The Start of a New Musical Tomorrow

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The war was over. After two years of almost one-sided war and chaos, peace reigned over the Kingdom- no, Empire of Roan. Although, the same couldn't be said of the Empires very own Emperor, still drowning in paper work because of his cute and adorable dongsaeng. Talking about the retired commander, why don't we check on him right now?

In a Villa hidden within the forest of darkness, a certain retired commander, father of too many, and aspiring slacker is having a headache. 'why is this happening right now?' Cale groaned, clutching onto his head, even with his chicken strength, he gripped so hard he looked like he wanted his head to explode.

With all this peace and almost tranquility, Cale's records decided to act like the bitches they are and act up because, "Oop! Oh Cale are you not thinking? Why, that can't be! Let me fix that for you" and now because of the record ability, all of Cale's life as Kim Rok Soo is flashing before his eyes, slowly one by one, his parents, his uncle, the orphanage, his friends, everything.

Cale sat in the rocking chair, tapping the heel of his foot against the ground, a force of habit. He couldn't help it, his mind was flashing images of his previous life by the millisecond, over and over again. Cale tried to get the focus off the records and onto the children(His children but he's too shy to say it)

Raon was watering the garden with the God of Wars Blessed watering can, wearing a cute little sun hat that Cale gifted to him, seeing how much Raon loved going out to the garden in the sun. Ohn was digging holes in the dirt, and Hong was planting seeds in said holes which were then covered up and watered. Cale smiled, a soft smile. His mind calmed a bit, but the longer he watched them, more records came to view.

"We dig here, and you put the seeds in-" A young woman with short light brown hair and a blurred out face instructs a child, speaking gently.

"Like this noona?" The child with ebony hair and scars carefully drops a seed in the dug up hole.

"Yes Roksu! Good job" The woman praised the child named Roksu, and the child beams bright.

Cale grimaces, remembering those days as little Kim Rok Soo in the orphanage, only a few caring for him. He shakes his head, he couldn't think of that now. He wasn't Kim Rok Soo anymore, he was Cale Henituse, and Kim Rok Soo was Kim Rok Soo, not him. He had a family now, he had friends ̶T̶o̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶. He can't stay trying to remember the past.

Drowning in his own thoughts, the life he once lived suffocating him with an iron grip on his neck. He didn't notice the children start to come up to their guardian, well he didn't notice until a loud "Human!" was yelled by Raon. He settled on Cale's lap, being followed by the two cat tribe children, nuzzling his chest slightly.

"Human, you have to get up once in a while! Or else you might end up becoming a rock! A very very soft and lazy rock" Rain reprimands, being followed with "Nya!" "Dongsaeng is right Cale-nya!" By Ohn and Hong. Cale just sighs and shakes his head. He takes off Raons sun hat and pats him endearingly.

The two cat tribe children nuzzled into his chest, also wanting the same treatment. Of course he pats them both as well. The moment was very wholesome, the most handsomely beautiful man in existence and his kids bonding on the porch of the Villa, overlooking the garden they worked hard to make.

"Young master." Cale flinched hearing that familiar voice. The kids beam up again "Lemonade gramps!" Raon, Ohn, and Hong look to the direction of the butler. With the same benign smile as always he looks on at this moment with endearment.

"I apologize for my absence Young master, there were a few rats I had to take care of first" He hands Cale the cursed cup of lemonade, cold just to fit with the warm weather of that morning. Cale drinks down the cold lemonade with one gulp, but it just gets refilled again by Ron and his trademark benign smile.

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