Chapter 1

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Your feet are tired of walking but your personality is not dimming down.

Your family had originally been against you working for the castle but you needed money! You had to help out wherever you could and you felt quite useless while your father - the only man of the house - went out to work everyday. Your older sister picked up the slack of what mother used to do and your newborn sister was quite useless.

Your older sister, Taeyeon, tried to get a little extra money on the side - sewing pieces for the grandmother across the street who owned the business. But it wasn't enough and it was draining her physically. Your pathetic attempts at sewing were horrible so you turned to your strengths of cleaning houses of some of the nobles.

It was quite a bit with their large homes and the pay was a little better than making a dollar more than what your father and sister made. Granted it was only two homes and some of the nobles didn't want someone like your social status touching their things. Still, you helped take care of the household when you were off of work.

It wasn't until the castle was looking for more people to join their services. You instantly jumped at the chance, applying for a position as a lowly maid who helped clean the knight's building and the first floor of the castle. Thankfully, your work of previously working with the nobles of the houses got you in.

Now this is your first time being paid and it was an extra three dollars more than you were paid! You knew this was the right choice despite the protests of the castle. "I'm home," You called out to Taeyeon who was cooking dinner.

"Welcome home." She stirred the pot. "How was your day?"

You hung up your coat and stepped into the small kitchen. It connected to a small bedroom of where your father sleeps and there were two doors on the back wall - another bedroom for you and your siblings and a single bathroom. "Tiring but it makes up for what they paid me!" You happily set the bag of coins and paper on the table.

"We can afford some extra formula for little Ryunjin." You cooed at your baby sister who was babbling away in her high chair.

Taeyeon paused to take a look inside the bag. She gasped seeing it. "You're right, we can. Thank you, Y/N. I know I disagree with the castle, please do your best working there."

It looks like they would change their mind. "You can count on me!" You declare. "How was the shop today?"

Taeyeon has resumed cooking. "All well. Thankfully none of the snobby rich people came in." She replies.

You nod in sympathy. "That's quite good. Let me know when dinner is ready while I go ahead and start cleaning the house."

She nods and you set off to work. You're practically finished when dinner is finally served. The three of you eat together and once you're done, you set to cleaning up. Your father won't be home until the night so you set some of the food aside for him.

You're barely getting ready for bed and Taeyeon has just put Ryunjin down to sleep when frantic, loud knocking is at the front door. Ryunjin cries out from the noise and you're quick to coddle her and try to soothe her.

Taeyeon is out front, grabbing a knife in case it's some stranger or worse, a robber. "Taeyeon, it's me, Junho! It's your father!"

Quickly, she opens the door to see her father struggling to lean against Junho. She ushers them in and helps lay him in the bed. His leg is bleeding.

"The doctor tried his best but it's still bleeding a little." Junho explains and Taeyeon is quick to grab necessary bandages and ointments. She thanks him and tends to her father. Junho leaves quickly and finally you come out of the room, trying to still calm Ryunjin. Your eyes widen slightly at the sight.

You don't say anything but retreat back into the room. You would be useless there. It lasts a few minutes as you hear your father groan and scream a bit in pain. Finally, you assume Taeyeon is done as there are murmurs of a conversation happening. At last, Ryunjin is calm and you put her back to bed.

Slowly and almost hesitant, you take precaution and head out of the room. You watch as it seems that your father passed out. Taeyeon is putting back the things and spots you. She puts a finger to her lips and leads you outside for a moment.

"What happened?" You ask.

"It seems he got his leg caught in one of the machines. I think it'll be a while before he gets back to work."

There's an unspoken silence between the two of you. Money would be tight and you would have to rely on Taeyeon and your salary. You nod, understanding the situation. Perhaps you can go back to cleaning the noble's house on days off or after you finish work at the castle. For now, the two of you return to bed.

"No, you're injured!" Taeyeon is yelling at someone.

Rushing to put on your uniform, you go out of the room to see her glaring down at your father. "But Taeyeon, we need money."

"I know but you're injured. You cannot go back to work in this condition. Y/N and I will handle the funds for now until you get back on your feet."

You could see his despair. He wanted to provide for the three of you and now the income would be cut short for a bit. Your father notices your presence. "Hi raspberries." He calls each of his daughters by berries as nicknames since your mom loved all kind of berries. "Are you heading to work already?"

"Hi father." You smile. "I am, I do hope you rest well today."

Saying your good-byes to everyone else, you head back to the castle for another day. It was an okay day and the rumors popping up at the castle had you thinking about things. One of the maids (or was it the head maid?) was leaving her post for retirement and a position would soon open up to serve the royal family. You were thinking that if by a miracle you would get it as it did come with a few extra coins.

But you just started.

There's no way you would be chosen. Besides, you heard of deadly tales of punishment if you serve the royal family wrong and quite frankly, you're a bit scared of that. Instead, you walk straight from the castle and to one of the noble's house.

Unfortunately, they hired someone else to clean their house. And the other house you used to work for did so as well. Damn. You ask around and no one is hiring. Still, you try to cheer yourself up and hope that there's another opportunity elsewhere.

A week has passed and your father's injury isn't getting better.

Taeyeon is beside herself with worry and dipped into some emergency savings to bring a doctor by. It seems that a piece of the machinery was stuck in his leg and required a small surgery. Now it seems like he won't be able to get back to work in a few more weeks as there is hardly enough to cover for the surgery. In response to this, Taeyeon is panicking a bit.

You hate to see her like this and you once again go around asking if anyone's hiring. No one is. You then try to go for any odd jobs - possibly cooking (you're a little decent at that) but still no one. They say they don't want an extra hand.

Perhaps you could try to ask for longer hours at the castle. It's the only option right now. But it was probably a bad move.

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