"Is there anywhere in particular you want to go, Fou- Felix?" You manage to cut yourself off once Felix throws you a playful glare.
"Hm, let's try some of the food." He suggests and you nod, following behind him. Felix notices and then stops. "Walk by my side. It'll look less weird."
You mumbled out an "okay" and took your place beside him. This feels so awkward as you're not used to this. It seems like he's enjoying this and pauses at a stall. It's filled with little trinkets like beaded bracelets, little figurines, and even some seashells.
You eye a pretty figurine. It was quite small and it was of a little fish! You're pretty sure it's made of glass and it was such a rich blue that it was rivaling the ocean. Your eyes scanned the price and it made you rethink it.
Oh well. Perhaps when you're rich enough.
Felix took his time, examining everything and happily asking questions to the stall owner who seemed delighted that someone was taking such interest in their items. Felix turned to you with a bright smile. "Shall we get Lia and Yeji a little souvenir?"
You're speechless. Felix is such a kind soul to even think about getting a small gift for others. Especially since you all work for him. But you still manage to smile back and nod. "That would be wonderful, I'm sure they would like something."
He seems so happy and picks up a pretty seashell necklace and a beaded bracelet, apparently made from sea glass. "Did this figurine catch your eye?" Then he picks up the blue fish you were looking at earlier.
You are flabbergasted. "Oh um," You're fumbling over your words to figure out how to reject his gift. That fish was expensive.
"Don't worry about it!" He's quick to wave you off and hands it to the stall owner who is wrapping everything up. "We'll say it's a gift for working for me and doing such a great job."
His kind smile and friendly gesture makes you feel flustered. He was just so sweet! After paying for it, Felix leads the way and gestures to a bakery. "Should we grab something to eat?"
"Sure." You happily say and honestly, it was kind of smelling good. Entering the shop, your senses were tackled by the scent of fresh bread. It smelled so good! Your mouth was practically watering everything in the case that you didn't know where to start.
Well, until Felix had a brilliant idea.
"Should we order one of everything?"
"What?" You ask flabbergasted. Sure, you think you can but could you really?
He sees the hesitation written across your face. "Or at least half? And don't worry, I'll pay for it as it's a gift." He quickly adds.
"Half sounds more reasonable." You conclude, still not quite feeling comfortable that he's going to pay.
Together, you wait as the baker behind the counter happily gathers one item from each bakery good Felix and you had pointed out to. Then the two of you went towards the back, finding an empty table to snack on the food.
Your eyes sparkle with delight as you take a big bite into one. "This is so good!" You mutter through your food. When laughter reaches your ears, you quickly apologize for talking with your food in your mouth. You could feel Taeyeon glaring at your bad table manners.
"No worries," Felix says and takes his own big bite. "I understand!" He mumbles with food in his mouth.
You feel a bit embarrassed at your action but feel a bit... happy? Felix is so carefree and doesn't make you feel ashamed. A goofy grin starts to form on your face but you quickly shut it down. Nope, you cannot have the tiniest crush on Felix! Especially the Fourth Prince!
"Oh, try this one as well!" Felix hands you another desert- one that hasn't been touched by either of you. Alright, you'll openly admire his strength of kindness and such. You can do that, right?
It's the next day and you are utterly confused.
Yesterday, Yeji and Lia were surprised and happy with their gifts. It was a delight to see them so happy and you all returned to the castle. Prince Hyunjin had set up a guest room for Felix and by the request of Felix, he had rooms for everyone who came with him; meaning the guards, driver and you three to be on the same floor at least.
You don't think Hyunjin minded that and set up some rooms although a couple of you had to share. The morning after is when you get confused. After waking up, getting ready and attending to the Fourth Prince, you were asked by Lia to ask someone who works here to get a pitcher of water to drink.
That was no problem at all.
You set out on your task, finding no one on the floor so you traveled one floor below. That's when you spotted someone who worked at the castle and politely asked them for a pitcher.
Then they gave you a dirty look. "You go do it yourself."
And that leads you to the moment of being very flabbergasted. "I-I'm sorry? I don't know w-"
"I said for you to do it yourself." They snapped and took a step closer to you. "I don't work for your prince and I'm sure you must have a brain in there to do it yourself."
Your mouth hangs open a little due to this unnecessary rudeness! What the hell is their problem? But no, you must not cuss them out or say something out of line. Your actions reflect on Felix and you cannot do that to him when he's been so kind to him. "I know but all I'm asking is for help. I don't know your castle layout." Since honestly, you don't!
They scrunch up their nose. "Then it's best to start remembering isn't it?" They held a sense of arrogance that rolled off of them in waves. With that final remark, they head down the hallway, leaving you to stare at them.
Once they're a good distance away, you mutter under your breath, "Fucking bitch. Like I know the fucking layout, goddamn stuck up ass bastard." Then you try to calm yourself down and bite the inside of your cheek. Fine, you'll either find someone who looks friendly enough or run around the castle like a chicken with its head cut off.
Thankfully, you found someone who was so friendly that they offered to grab it for you and take it to Felix's room. You thanked them profusely and learned that the one person you talked to earlier was a stick in the mud. So it's not just you.
You are about to enter the room when Lia is already opening it. She blinks. "I was just going to look for you. What took so long?"
Unfortunately, you had to explain everything in a hushed tone since you really didn't want Felix to hear of this predicament. Once you were done, Lia looked like she was ready to go and rip into the rude person you ran into earlier. "I'll talk to whoever's in charge later." Lia responds. Unknownst of someone listening in.
You patiently wait for another task but it's not coming soon. Another meeting is going on and you're thinking it's going well? There's some promises in there and lots of smiles and laughter. "I would be honored to be an ally in this," Hyunjin replies. "I think we can make an agreement work."
"I'm happy to hear that." Felix says so with a smile. "Though I must ask one thing," He continues once he has the approval of Hyunjin. "May you bring any staff that worked this morning?"
"My staff?" Hyunjin asks curiously. "Sure, though I must ask why?"
All of you are curious to his request and unconsciously lean forward a bit to hear his answer. "Well, it seems that someone on your staff needs to apologize to my team. Otherwise, I don't think this will work out if someone is disrespectful to anyone." He says this all with a bright smile but the tone his voice had made it go lower, hiding a threat within.
Yeji is confused about everything while you and Lia share a look, having a good idea on what he means.
a/n: i'm so sorry for such a late update! these past few months haven't been the best for me but i'm starting to get back into my stories. i will be continuing this one to the end and will hopefully introduce a new one or at least a small excerpt. :)

Bittersweet | l.fx au
Fanfiction"But you did so well by yourself." Lowly palace maid is what you are. Until you fall in love with someone so forbidden that you hope your story has a happy ending. ➣ a prince!felix x maid!fem!reader