next door | 18+

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There is a whistle outside my window.

Not bothering to turn around, I eye the mirror on the desk in front of me. The candle on my desk flickers due to a gust of wind.

A few seconds pass by and another whistle, but again, I don't react and pull out the curlers in my hair. My window gets pushed open. I still don't turn around and continue to pull out the curlers before slightly brushing out the curls with my fingers.

"There is another way to enter my house, you know?", I say and put on lip balm.

A low chuckle behind me.

Jesse climbs through my window and winks at my reflection in the mirror.

"Yeah, sure, I bet your parents would be delighted to see me. Maybe they offer me a cup of tea.", he answers and grins as he comes up behind me.

Rolling my eyes, I put my skincare products back. A hand comes up to my chin and forces my head up. My eyes land on Jesse's face in the mirror. He smirks, and I roll my eyes again.

He is so annoying.

His hand wanders down my throat, and I lean my head against his stomach, my eyes meeting his dark ones.

"Did you miss me, Redd?", he asks before leaning down until his nose brushes mine.

"You wish.", I murmur and push him away.

While walking backwards to my bed, he keeps grinning at me, and when I turn to him and tell him to stop, he shows me his middle finger.

"What do you want, Jesse?", I ask and get up.

His eyes follow me as I walk around my room, picking up clothes and putting them back into my wardrobe. When he doesn't answer, I turn to him. His eyes travel to my face, down my body, and back to my eyes.

"Stop looking and answer me already.", I say, throwing a T-shirt at him. He catches it without breaking eye contact.

The orange light of the candles in my room makes his sharp face look soft.

He is annoying and hot.

"I was bored.", he says, leaning on the bed with his hands behind him.

"Seems like a daily thing.", I walk towards him. "Tell me, Jesse, don't you have any hobbies or friends?", I ask sweetly and come to a stop directly before him.

His eyes darken for a moment.

Grinning, I put my right knee between his legs, leaning slightly above him. I tilt my head to the side, and my hair falls behind my back, exposing my shoulders and cleavage. He stares at me, swallows, and is unable to say anything. With an innocent smile, I brush my lips against his ear.

"Tell me why you are really here. Tell me what you want."

Jesse finally reacts, and his hand grips the back of my leg, slowly making his way up. But I stop him, and he looks up, frustrated.

"Use your voice.", I whisper, my lip almost touching his.

He grabs my waist and flips me on the bed, towering over me.

"You. I want you, Redd.", he whispers, leaving a trail of soft kisses along my jaw to my neck. He slightly bites into my skin.

My hand moved up his arms and shoulders before I put them behind his neck, pulling him closer. His hand comes up my leg, which is angled, leaning against his body. He pushes the rest of my short pink silk dress aside, which had already slipped up when he flipped us around.

My lips find his, and we stay like this for a moment. Soft kisses and soft words.

When my tongue meets his, he thrusts two fingers into me, making me shiver.

oneshots | 18+Where stories live. Discover now