yes, sir | 18+

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My footsteps echo through the empty hallway.

This place is usually filled with voices and laughter, but right now, it's dark and quiet.

Maybe because it's already 10 p.m., and maybe it's because no one is this late on school grounds. Except me.

You see, I'm not here for fun or because I miss school so much. No, in fact, it's the opposite. I can't wait to get away from this place and never come back once I graduate. If I graduate, that is, of course.

My English teacher, Mr. Andrews, decided to make my life a living hell. He came here last year and dropped my already bad grade. Mrs. Chaplin was a kind old lady, and even though she probably had to close both eyes while correcting my essays, she wanted me to pass her class.

After she retired, the new teacher came and destroyed everything for me. At first, I was excited to go to his class. He's a 34-year-old sex god, according to most girls. Not that anyone has ever slept with him, but he looks like he would be amazing in bed. A charming smile, brown fluffy hair, and these deep brown eyes. That's how I saw him, until he pulled me to the side one day to let me know my A-level is in danger, because I'm failing his class.

Now, yes, I might not be the best student, but I'm good in other subjects. Kinda. I mean, I don't need all of these once I graduate anyway. Also, why would I care about English literature, when my dream is to open my own dance school? Sure, dancing can be poetic, but I doubt anyone has danced to Shakespeare's words.


I jump, startled, and let out a small scream. Turing around, I watch the dark corridor in front of me. I remember my phone in my hand. Almost embarrassed, I laugh out loud and hold it to my ear.

My best friend, Catherine, is on the line. She is the reason I'm here. She gave me the idea to break into the school and find the sheets for the upcoming English exam, so I can memorise them, pass the exam, and improve my grade.

Catherine said it was a joke, but I loved the idea, and now here I am. Of course, my best friend, is worried, and she wanted me to stop this, but it's already too late. So instead, she tells me to hurry up because she says she can't fall asleep until she knows that I'm laying in bed safe and sound.

With Catherine's words in my ear, I wander through the dark school, and I don't feel so scared. Not that there should be a reason, no one is here any more, but being alone in a dark place is still scary. As I reach the teacher's office, her boyfriend, Tom, calls her in the background. She sighs, says she will call me back, and hangs up.

Letting out a small sigh, I walk to the door. The keys, in my sweaty hand, seem to slip out of my grasp at any moment. Getting the keys from the janitor wasn't as hard as I imagined it. Kyle, his daughter, once confessed, when she was drunk, that her father keeps the keys under a flower pot at the back entrance of the school.

Even though I'm alone, it takes me ages to open the door because I open it so slowly, scared to make any noises. I stop every few seconds, scared someone will catch me. Which is stupid, but still, I proceed with caution.

There are three things I realise at the same time. First, the door is already open. Second, the light is on. Third, I'm absolutely fucked.

I curse under my breath as I turn around, trying to find the other person. But no one is here.

Trying to catch a calm breath, I lean against the wall for a second, figuring out my next move. My heart is beating so fast, and I feel like it's going to burst out of my chest any moment.

Focusing on my feet, I calm down and decide to continue my plan. The ceiling lights are off, and the only light that's on is the green lamp on one of the teacher's desks. Maybe someone left in a hurry and forgot to turn off the light and close the door. I have never been here before, so I don't know who the lamp belongs to. I have neither the time nor the desire to find out and start opening the drawers on all the desks.

oneshots | 18+Where stories live. Discover now