touch me | 18+

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The front door slams shut.

Dumbfounded, I sit on the couch in the living room, staring at my mother, who is standing in front of me, clearly drunk and crying.

She just announced to me and my stepdad that she cheated on him. He left without a word, and I don't blame him.

"What the hell?", I finally manage to say, and I get up. My mother takes a step toward me, but I hold up my hand and shake my head. I leave the room and make my way upstairs. She doesn't follow me.

Grabbing my phone, I close my door, and lay on my bed before I call my best friend, Tuana. I can't believe my mother cheated. I can't believe she ruined another marriage once again.

I should have seen the signs when she wanted to call off the wedding only a few weeks before. But I thought she was scared and reassured her everything would be okay.

Oh, but I was so wrong.


Nico hasn't come home over the weekend after the confession. He was staying at a motel. I don't know why he hasn't kicked us out, since it is his house.

My mother has left him multiple voice messages. But he keeps ignoring her.

It has been a month now, and my mother has moved on. Kinda. But she doesn't seem to care as much as before and spends most of her time with her coworker, whom she has been secretly seeing for the past couple of months.

Most of the time, she ignores me; she acts like it's my fault that he left us. Her. He left her.

Since I don't have Nico's phone number, I text his niece, whom I have been friends with. His side of the family has been ignoring me and my mother. While I don't blame them, I'm still hurt. Luckily, Sofia answers me.

I tell her that my mother is out of the house, so if my stepdad wants to pick up his stuff, he can do it now since I will be leaving too.

She sends a thumbs-up emoji. I charge my phone and go to the bathroom. I need a shower.


When I step out of the shower, I realise I left my fresh clothes in my room. With a small towel around my front, I open the bathroom door.

At the same time, I hear the keys turning in the front door. Nico enters, not noticing me until he closes the door and turns around.

He stops in his tracks and stares at me, startled. I know I should have been gone by now, but I had my everything shower, and it took me a while to leave the shower. An hour, to be exact.

"Heyy.", I say, and I bite my lips. What the hell am I supposed to say to him?

His eyes travel to the door of the closed living room. I immediately understand what he is thinking. He thinks my mother is here.

"She is not here.", I say quickly, and he seems to relax. He looks back at me. For a second, his eyes drop before he looks back at my face.

Right, I'm standing here with nothing but a towel, covering my private parts. I blush, but I can't move. I feel heat pooling between my legs.

When my mother started seeing Nico, I started to develop a crush on him. The fact that he's 22 years older than me didn't help. For his 48 years, he still looks so good. He still visits the gym regularly, and even as his brown hair is slightly turning silver, it gives him such a kind of charm.

His brown eyes are still on me as I squeeze my legs, trying not to make it obvious. Thankfully, he can't read my mind.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?", he asks with his deep voice, and the butterflies in my stomach erupt. He called me by this nickname multiple times, and every time, I would imagine him calling me that during sex.

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