Away For the Summer

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Hey guys, so I forgot to mention this last chapter, but in my story unless any of the other characters are talking about Harry (Harriet), or thinking about him, I will be using he/him pronouns and the name Harry. Sorry if that is confusing for anyone.

Saying Anne was nervous was a huge understatement, she felt like she was well on her way to a heart attack because she has to tell her daughter that she is leaving for the summer. Anne knows that Harriet will be happy to see her brother, but Anne doesn't know how she will react after Anne finding Harriet in the bathroom.

While Anne was stressing about how to tell Harriet, Harriet was stressed too. He didn't know how to tell Anne that he was Trans, and his chosen name would be Harry, since his mum constantly tells Harry how much she loves the name Harriet.

"Harriet, could you come down here please?" Anne calls and Harry replies with in a minute, as he looks in the mirror as he finishes tying the bandages around his chest and throwing one of Liam's old hoodies on.

Harry walked down the stairs as slowly as possible as not to meet his mother in the kitchen, but time could only hold this conversation back for so long. Harry walked into the kitchen tentatively, not meeting his mother's eyes. He only looks up when he hears his mother sigh.

"Harriet dear, please, sit." While that was phrased as a question, Harry knew there was no escaping now. He took a seat in the seat across from his mother, his eyes downcast, while he fiddled with the sleeves of Liam's hoodie he had pulled over his hands. (Awww sweater paws)

"Harriet, well I know you said you're stressed and after the bathroom incident yesterday, I think, well that you should get away for a bit." Anne says, her voice full of caution. Harry's heart drops, he knew his mother would worry, but this is a bit much, was his own mother sending him to a mental hospital, or something worse.

While Harry was on the verge of a panic attack, Anne reached out and took her daughter's hand. "Harriet, it's nowhere bad, and this is certainly not a punishment for your struggles, but you are stressed, and I know you need a break. That is why I figured the summer at the beach with Liam would help, and I already talked to him and it's fine!"

Harry's head snaps up at Liam's name and he feels like he could cry right there. Liam was his rock, and he missed his brother dearly! Harry jumped up and hugged his mother tightly, and Anne just hugged back. "The only thing is Harriet, you leave tomorrow, and because Liam is famous you can't really leave the house without permission." Anne explains S!mon's rules.

Harry really didn't mind, with how he had been feeling he didn't mind staying inside, especially with his brother who he hadn't seen in what felt years. He walked upstairs and started excitedly packing. His wardrobe mostly consisted of oversized sweaters he stole from Liam's closet after he left, skinny jeans, sweats, and the occasional skirt and dress or nice floral blouse. Just because he was a Trans guy doesn't mean he didn't like these clothes, because clothes don't have a gender nor do they define someone's gender.

Harry sighed and looked up into his mirror after finishing packing his toiletries. Pulling on his hair he considered cutting it then and there, but he loves his loose curls too much to just chop them off. He pulled his phone out and began researching hormone blockers, to see what he should do. Before he even realizes, and hour has passed, and Harry has a plan, for his future. He will start with hormone blockers, then move onto Testosterone, and eventually get top and bottom surgery.

Harry finishes up packing and lays back down in bed, slowly but surly drifting off to sleep, dreaming of his brother and the beach, and his new home away from home.

Startled by his alarm, Harry rolls put of bed with a thump. "Aw shit that hurt." Anne comes into his room and sighs.

"Harriet you really have grown into a beautiful young woman, you know that, me and your step-father will miss you dearly."

Harry doesn't know how to feel, he loves making his mother proud, but he doesn't want to be a beautiful young woman, so he just forces a smile and nods, getting up to hug his mom.

"C'mon honey, we'll be late to the airport if we don't leave now." Anne and Harry head out but not before giving David (Step-dad) a hug and taking one last look into his home before climbing into his mom's car.

The drive to the airport was a little awkward to say the least, both of them felt the tension hanging in the air, and Anne was struggling, she hated feeling like she didn't even know her own daughter. She hated knowing she was struggling and that there was only a little she could do to help.

Anne finally got tired of the awkward silence and turned the radio on. She fiddled with the knobs until a very familiar voice came on. Liam's voice comes blasting out with one if his band's most popular songs. What makes you beautiful flows through the car and Harry hums along with his head resting on the car window, while he contemplates his life choices.

Not too much later Harry was boarding the plane to his summer home. He was excited to see his best friend again, but he was also nervous. He had never met the other boys before, and he didn't know what they would think of him. Harry boarded the plane, and he couldn't help but look around in the plane, there were so many different types of people on the plane. Harry's mind wandered to what type of person he was. He was kind, at least he hoped, and that was all that really mattered to him.

Harry plugged his earbuds in and put on a shuffle of one directions music as he fell asleep on the plane, excited for what the summer held.


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter, it's over 1K words, longest chapter I've ever written. By the way Harry lives in the UK and Liam is in the USA, so that is why he is flying. Bye loves💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚

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