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The sun rises over the town of Royal woods.

Lincoln got up feeling a bit down, Saturday night he was able to go see that girl, he found out her name, Ellie, what a great moment, he was hoping to capitalize on such a great moment by seeing her again on Sunday night, but alas, mother nature had other plans.

It snowed again, and it was expected to be a big snow storm, so he decided not to go out, he figured Ellie wouldn't be out there either, even if she claims she can't get cold.

Lincoln did feel bad that Ellie and him couldn't talk Sunday night, but there was a bright spot, a snow storm on Sunday meant no school on Monday.

But unfortunately, the forecast was wrong, it barely snowed all night, not enough to stop him from seeing Ellie, and not enough to keep school closed.


Lincoln did all his usual stuff before heading to school.

As he sat in class he couldn't help but think of Ellie, she was all he thought of on Sunday.

He really thought she could be his new best friend, someone to help him forget Clyde.

Speaking of Clyde.

Should he try and hang out with her in the same way he did with Clyde?

Like, should he try and take her to the arcade, take her to the comic book store, take her to his house?

That would be tough to explain to his family, they'd ask who she was, if he said she lives next door they'd know he was lying about not knowing who lived there.

Hmm, actually, maybe the trick is to take things slow, maybe he could do something with her that he and Clyde only planed to do, but never actually did.

Maybe they could learn Morse code together!

Lincoln grabs a piece of paper from his desk.

The paper had some pieces of Morse code already completed, this was them just starting out.

They never got too close to the finish though.

Lincoln makes a mental note to write a little bit more after he gets home, he'll then teach everything he knows to Ellie next time he sees her, which he can only hope will be tonight.

After class, Lincoln walks through the hallway before Chandler tries to intercept him.

"Hey loser." Chandler said

Lincoln just ignores him, he doesn't want anything to ruin his perfect mood.

Chandler gets visibly frustrated.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, don't you dare ignore me." Chandler said

Lincoln just keeps walking, hoping he'll just leave him alone.

Soon however, Chandler snaps.

He grabs Lincoln by the shirt and punches him in the face knocking him down.

While he's on the ground he tries to hit him again but he gets stopped by Trent and Richie.

"Alright stop Chandler, you don't wanna take it too far." Richie said

"If you ignore me like that again, I'll do a whole lot worse." Chandler said before walking away

Lincoln sits there for a moment before getting up.

He feels unbelievably embarrassed, but he can't do anything about it.

After school was over, his family questioned him about the bruise on his face.

He told them he tripped and smashed his face on a locker.

He had no idea if they believed him or not.

But nothing else came from it.

Nothing will ever come from it.

Later that night.

Lincoln made his way to the park hoping that Ellie would be there.

He brought his knife just in case.

But she was there, and that finally brought a smile to his face.

"Hello Lincoln." Ellie said

"Hi Ellie." Lincoln said

"Are you alright, you seem nervous." Ellie said

"Yeah I'm ok, I just wanted to do something with you." Lincoln said

"What is it?" Ellie asks

"I wanted to learn Morse code with you, I know that may sound kinda stupid, but I think it would be fun." Lincoln said

Ellie thought about it for a moment.

"Okay, let's do it." Ellie said

"Okay great, first let's do something easy, let's do your name." Lincoln said

Lincoln brings out the paper to read.

"Alright it's." . .-.. .-.. .. . Lincoln said by tapping his finger on the bench.

"Okay." Ellie said

"Alright and my name is." .-.. .. -. -.-. - .-.. -. Lincoln said again by tapping his finger.

"Alright." Ellie said before realizing something troubling.

Alright now let's try something a little more complicated. Lincoln said

"What happened to your face?" Ellie asks

Lincoln pauses.

"What do you mean?" Lincoln asks nervously

"The bruise, where did it come from?" Ellie asks

Lincoln already lied about it once, it would be easy to do it again.

"Some, kids at school have been bullying me." Lincoln said

Why would I tell her that?

She probably thinks I'm a total loser right now.

Wait a minute, I just thought of something.

"Where do you go to school exactly?" Lincoln asks

"Lincoln listen, you have to fight back, you've never fought back before have you?" Ellie asks

"No, there's three of them, I don't have anyone to protect me." Lincoln said

"Don't you have friends?" Ellie asks

"No, they all abandoned me." Lincoln said

"Why?" Ellie asks

"Because, the bullies mainly only targeted me, my friends occasionally got dragged into it as well, eventually they started blaming me, they said if I wasn't such an easy target they wouldn't have to deal with bullying either, they said they didn't want anything to do with me anymore, and now I've got no one to protect me from them." Lincoln said with tears in his eyes

Ellie looked at him for a moment.

"Then I'll protect you, I can do that." Ellie said before gently touching his hand.

"Umm...I guess I should go home, thank you, for listening." Lincoln said

"It was my pleasure." Ellie said

Lincoln soon returned home with a lot on him mind, but there was one big thing on his mind.

Ellie is right.

I need to fight back.

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