Chapter Seventeen

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

Up next will be some more time spent with Renee and Bella, trying to come to grips with Charlie's decision. Also, the Drop ship has been awfully quiet ... what's happening with them? Leave me your thoughts!

Chapter Seventeen: On The Ground in Mount Weather


"Bella, my sweet girl, you did amazing work with Alice," Mom said as I worked on Mr. Murphy's head wound. We gave him a mild sedative, which knocked him out. He was snoring loudly as I worked on suturing the laceration closed. "You are a born healer."

"I'm a healer, but when it comes to psychological issues, I'm a mess," I said quietly, cleaning Mr. Murphy's wound of blood. "My mind keeps thinking of what could have happened ... you know? I think Alice might have the same problem when she regains consciousness."

"You focused your studies on general medicine, not psychology. You took some of the basic classes, but you don't have the training I have. I do need to impart my knowledge on to someone, but from what I've heard, you might be struggling with PTSD. Hell, most of you are dealing with post-traumatic stress. I'm so sorry for that."

"It's not your fault, Mom," I said, covering Mr. Murphy's head wound.

"I didn't help the situation," she sighed. "But, we'll get you all the help you need. I promise you that."

"Thanks, Mom," I whispered. Edward walked back into medical. "Did your dad get back to the garage?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "He got turned around once, but we got him to Rover III with time to spare. How's my sister?"

"Physically, she'll make a full recovery," Mom explained. "Psychologically, I'll have to work with her once she's in a place to talk about what happened to her."

"Did you show her the tablet?" Edward asked me.

"I offered it to my mom, but she'd rather hear it from Alice," I replied. "Mom, do you want to get cleaned up and settled into your suite?"

"Suite?" Mom asked.

"We have enough room for you," Edward said, reaching into his pocket and producing a swipe card for her. "You're in suite four twelve, which is up a floor to the left when you get off the elevator. You're on the same floor as Bella and me. There's enough room for you and the Chancellor."

My mom's eyes welled with tears, squeezing Edward's hand. "The Chancellor didn't make it. He ..." She pressed her hand on Edward's shoulder. "Excuse me." She disappeared in the bathroom in the medical bay, quiet sobs filling the room.

"What happened?" Edward asked with wide eyes.

"My dad was the one who pushed the button to start the Ark's descent down to the ground," Bella sniffled. "He's still up in the outer ring."

Edward cupped my cheek, enfolding me in his arms and holding me close. "Oh, Bella. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry," he whispered against my head. I snuggled close, not allowing myself to lose it. I had to be strong for my mother who was still raw from losing her husband.

I'd lose it later when I was with Edward, by ourselves, in our suite.

Without an audience.

A few moments later, my mother walked out of the bathroom with a splotchy, puffy face. "It's been almost a week since I've had a shower. I need ... a few human moments."

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