Chapter Eighteen

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

Chapter Eighteen: On the Ground at Mount Weather


"I'll check medical first," I said. "Thanks." Standing up, I finished my coffee and rode down to the medical bay. Austin was there, but no Bella. I did check on my sister, who was still sedated, but the bruises and abrasions were fading from her tanned skin.

After speaking to Austin about Alice, I went up to the garage and saw a hubbub near the doorway. Jasper was laying on the ground, with Peter and Charlotte hovering around him. Charlotte was holding a towel to Jasper's forehead. I took off at a sprint. "Are you okay?" I asked Jasper, kneeling next to him.

"Some asshat clocked me in the head," Jasper groaned. "I was getting one of the Rovers ready to go to the Ark. Bella came up here, saying that there was a medical emergency, but there wasn't."

"Wait, Bella was here?" I breathed. I looked around, not seeing her or evidence that she'd ever been in the garage.

"Yeah ... it was one of the guys from the Drop Ship who hit me, and I think he took Bella," Jasper groaned, pulling the cloth away from his wound.

"How long ago?" My heart was stammering and twisting in my chest. Jasper didn't respond right away. "Tell me!"

"He might not remember, Commander Cullen," Charlotte argued. "He could have a concussion."

"A half hour ago?" Jasper said, waving his hand at Charlotte. "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!"

Exactly ... oh, fuck ...

"Get the Rover ready to go," I said woodenly, unclipping my radio. "We need to find them. Bella cannot be taken back to the Drop Ship. Jacob will ... he'll ..." I stood up and tried to not cry. I had to be strong for my Bella.

I was failing miserably.

"We can't take the Rover. Not today," Jasper said, pointing to the dead battery. "It needs to charge for at least eight hours."

"Then, find something else to cover the ground!" I yelled, turning to face Jasper. "Run! Just get her back!" I wanted to take off into the forest, but strong arms stopped him. Peter tackled me back to the ground. "Get the fuck off me. I need to find her!"

"Bella would tell you not to go off half-cocked, Edward," Peter said. "Radio your team."

Scowling at Peter, I opened a channel to the command center. "Cullen to Command Center, Mallory come in?"

"Yorkie here. Mallory was on the overnight shift," Eric said. "How can I help you, Commander?"

Swallowing down bile, I spoke to Eric. "Can you pull up the security feeds in the garage? Bella was called up here for a medical emergency, but there wasn't an emergency. There's also no Bella. She was taken by someone from the Drop Ship."

"I remember that call," Eric said. "It came from a different channel than we use for medical."

"What channel?" I pressed.

"One we don't use ... channel fourteen," Eric replied. "We can hear all the conversations, but we have to turn to the channel in order to respond. Anyway, I didn't recognize the voice, either."

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