Lydia made it to Bill's cottage without any problems. When she entered, she saw a Nidorino standing there.

"Hello, where did you come from?" Lydia cooed as she picked up the Nidorino.

"Hiya!" Lydia jumped back in fright. "I'm a Pokémon!"

Lydia just looked confused and shocked at the same time.

"Call me Bill! I'm a true blue Pokémaniac!" Bill said.

"Uh, Okay," Lydia said in confusion.

Lydia asked, "So, you're not a Pokémon?"

"No. I'm a human who got turned into a Pokémon with an experiment gone wrong... I suppose." Bill attempted to explain.

"Sure." Lydia sweat-dropped.

"Anyway, would you be willing to help me?" Bill asked Lydia.

"Okay... What do you need me to do?" Lydia asked.

"When I'm in the Teleporter, go to my PC and run the Cell Separation System!" Bill explained.

"The Cell Separation System?" Lydia asked.

"Yes, that's right," said Bill as he went into one side of the machine.

Lydia walked over to Bill's PC and initiated the Teleporter's Cell Separator. Suddenly, the Teleporter fired up and out popped a Nidorino and a human.

"Yeehah! Thanks, bud! I owe you one!" Bill exclaimed to Lydia.

"No need to thank me; it wasn't a problem." Lydia smiled.

"So, did you come to see my Pokémon collection?" Bill asked.

Lydia said, "No."

"Didn't you?" he frowned. "That's a bummer."

"I've got to thank you," Bill dug something out of his pocket. "Oh, here, maybe this'll do." He handed her a ticket for the S.S. Anne.

"Oh, thanks," Lydia said uncertainty about the situation.

Lydia soon left Bill's and made her way back to Cerulean City. When she made it back, she saw a police officer standing outside one of the houses.

"Excuse me. What's happening?" Lydia asked politely.

The officer said, "This house was just robbed by some strange character wearing a black uniform."

"Team Rocket!" Lydia yelled as she made her way inside the house. She followed the footprints to the outside and saw a Team Rocket grunt holding a TM.

"Don't you know it's not polite to steal? Go, Ember!"



"Use Karate Chop!"

"No, you don't! Quick Attack!"

"Karate Chop!"


The Rocket grunt returned his Machop and sent out a Drowzee.

"Ember, return! Go, Flappy!"



"Quick Attack!"

The Drowzee attempted to use Disable, but it failed.

"Quick Attack once more!"

The Grunt returned his Pokémon and handed the TM to Lydia. She tried returning it to its rightful owner, but he insisted on giving it to Lydia instead. Lydia then went to the Pokémon Center and headed out to Vermilion City in search of her next Gym Badge.

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