Lydia stopped by the Pokémon Center to heal up her team before heading to the Saffron City gym. When she got there, Lydia battled all the trainers to get to Sabrina.

Sabrina spoke with her eyes closed, saying, "I had a vision of your arrival."

Lydia asked, "Really?!"

"I have had psychic powers since I was a child. I first learned to bend spoons with my mind. I dislike fighting, but if you wish, I will demonstrate my abilities." Sabrina said, pulling out a Pokéball and releasing her Pokémon.

"Go, Kadabra!"

"Go, Ember!"

"Kadabra use Disable!"

"Ember use Ember!"

"Kadabra use Psychic!"

"Ember use Flamethrower!"

"Kadabra, return! Go, Mr. Mime!"

"Mr. Mime use Double Slap!"

"Ember use Ember!"

"Mr. Mime use Light Screen!"

"Ember use Quick Attack!"

"Mr. Mime use Barrier!"

"Ember use Flamethrower!"

"Mr. Mime, return! Go, Venomoth!"

"Venomoth use Poison Powder!"

"Ember use Flamethrower!"

"Venomoth, return! Go, Alakazam!"

"Alakazam use Reflect!"

"Ember use Ember!"

"Alakazam use Psywave!" The attack missed.

"Ember use Quick Attack!"

"Alakazam use Psybeam!"

"Ember use Flamethrower!"

"Alakazam, return!"

"I'm shocked! But, a loss is a loss. I admit I didn't work hard enough to win! The Marsh Badge makes Pokémon up to level 70 obey you! Stronger Pokémon will ignore your orders in battle! Just don't raise your Pokémon too high." Sabrina said as Lydia was about to leave but then Sabrina stopped her and gave her the TM for Psywave. Six badges down, two more to go. Next stop, Cinnabar Island.
Pokémon: Ninetales

Nickname: Ember

Level: 46

Type: Fire

Moves: Ember, Confuse Ray, Quick Attack, Flamethrower
Pokémon: Pidgeot

Nickname: Flappy

Level: 38

Type: Normal/Flying

Moves: Gust, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Fly
Pokémon: Sandslash

Nickname: Spike

Level: 37

Type: Ground

Moves: Swift, Cut, Slash, Earthquake
Pokémon: Hypno

Nickname: Arthur

Level: 39

Type: Psychic

Moves: Poison Gas, Headbutt, Flash, Psychic
Pokémon: Hitmonchan

Nickname: Punchie

Level: 34

Type: Fighting

Moves: Comet Punch, Agility, Strength, Fire Punch
Pokémon: Lapras

Nickname: Nessie

Level: 23

Type: Water/Ice

Moves: Water Gun, Mist, Surf, Sing

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