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It began with the discovery of the planet Mysterix. From the realm of light emerged the light and dark elves, and they decided to coexist on the continent of Kongorn. They had their conflicts, but for the most part, both races lived in peace. However, this changed after many generations. The light elves evolved into the high elves, while the dark elves focused on internal intrigues. The high elves delved deeper into their use of magic, becoming extremely powerful and creating immensely potent elements such as those of earth, fire, water, and air. They began to grow so powerful that they believed they were beginning to rival the powers of the gods. More and more high elves began to claim that they were even mightier.

On the other hand, the dark elves continued to use the magic with which they arrived on Mysterix. They evolved into the black elves, but this was essentially just a term for those born on Mysterix. They built beautiful cities like Vrammahath, Ungethal, and Abburth. However, their magic and their race did not evolve. They were too preoccupied with power struggles among themselves. In the society of the black elves, there was a hierarchy, but every family desired to be at the top.

So while the high elves were focused on becoming wiser, the black elves were busy forming alliances to undermine other families. Eventually, the Dahvar family succeeded in rising to the top. This family became the new leader of the black elves. Imrae Dahvar, the head of the family and also a dark elf, introduced a new element into society: religion.

She systematically ensured that the black elves began to believe in the goddess, Megteld. This fostered unity among the black elves, putting an end to internal intrigues. Instead, the different houses finally began to collaborate. This led to their evolution and the strengthening of their magic. Several hundred years later, the black elves proposed an idea to the high elves. They wanted to make use of the magical elements now that their magic was evolving. Furthermore, they wished to teach their magic to the high elves, and in return, the high elves would share their knowledge. However, this proposal was rejected. This created a great divide between the two races, and they began to live separately.

The black elves concluded that the high elves were playing with powers that should not be tampered with. In their eyes, the high elves were not just using magic, but rather abusing it. This had to stop, preferably as soon as possible. As the leader, Imrae made the decision to simply exterminate the high elves. However, this was easier said than done. As a first step, training sessions were conducted in the temple of Quenya. This temple was where black elves went to pray to Megteld.

The lessons were taught by Afro Drin, Rivana Cyqro, Xonex Solas, Qrino Uhazus, Tinur Gardon, and Warlik Richu. They were the most gifted dark elves, aside from Imrae Dahvar. They were also referred to as the elite of the dark elves. Apart from the training sessions, doomstones were also developed. A doomstone gave the user the ability to teleport. The stones were made entirely of obsidian. Seven types of these stones were created, allowing the black elves to travel to seven different locations scattered across Kongorn.

With these stones, one could travel to the city of Vrammahath, the capital of the dark elves. After the creation of the stones, various war meetings were held. To demonstrate their power, the royal palace for the Dahvar family was built in this city. After many meetings, the black elves devised a solid plan. They would use the doomstones positioned at the edges of Kongorn to abduct high elves. They would imprison these elves in their cities but eventually let them drink from the elixir of life.

This elixir was created by the dark elf, Zavirius Melar. His combat magic was subpar, but his other magical abilities were excellent, allowing him to create the elixir of life. With this elixir, any living being could be transformed into a black elf. The victim would forget their previous life and think only of violence from then on. The perfect soldier to deploy in the war against the high elves. After the training, the creation of the doomstones, the meetings, and the invention of the elixir, the black elves were ready to exterminate the high elves.

Initially, everything went according to plan. They abducted high elves and transformed them using the elixir of life. This significantly bolstered their army, and they won several battles. However, they began to grow arrogant, much like the high elves. They became lax and thought they had already won. Consequently, they were taken by surprise by an attack on the capital, Vrammahath. A division of high elves had infiltrated the city with the aim of freeing their abducted kin and killing as many black elves as possible. However, the high elves did not go unnoticed, leading to a large battle.

In this battle, all kinds of magic acquired by the high elves and black elves during their years on the planet Mysterix and prior were used, causing complete chaos. Elves exploded upon being touched by others. Elves' hearts were even ripped out. Some elves transformed into mythical creatures, including dragons, to inflict as much damage as possible on the opposing side. Due to all this magic, the sky grew darker and darker. Nature began to rebel, making it harder for both parties. However, some believed that this was more than just nature.

Under the leadership of the elite, the black elves bravely continued to fight, and it seemed they were going to win the battle. However, Imrae Dahvar was then murdered. This caused unity among the black elves to dissipate, and chaos ensued. This only worsened when it was discovered that the entire elite had vanished. The black elves were left without leadership, causing their cooperation to become more strained.

There was one leader left, Remiro Dahvar, Imrae's husband. The entire race looked to him for answers. However, Remiro was in a panic and was unable to lead the fight. He did not belong to the elite; he was nowhere near as capable as them. It got even worse when Remiro was hit by an arrow, right in his chest. At first, the wound created by this arrow didn't seem so severe, but Remiro's skin began to look very fragile very quickly. As a result, he made a decision that would determine the outcome of the battle once and for all. Remiro Dahvar created a black hole, sucking in all the dark and black elves standing nearby. This made the high elves think they had won. However, their happiness was short-lived.

Remiro had transported the black elves to the shadow realm. The shadow realm is an exact copy of Mysterix but exists in another dimension. This made everything appear constantly lilac purple; many also call this the underworld. Remiro addressed the elves, telling them they must have patience. They must remain in the shadow realm until everyone forgets that the black elves ever existed. They will have to become a myth. When that day comes, they will return. When that day arrives, they will take revenge on the elves and anyone who stands in their way.

A week later, Remiro died from the wound he had sustained during the battle. However, before he died, he had one last vision. He told this vision to his son as he lay on his deathbed; they were his final words.

It begins with a green glow appearing in the sky. The eyes of a demon will open. A monster will plague the world. A race will be exterminated. Black figures will rise from exile. All as a result of forbidden love. At the center are six individuals.

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