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The name "Stijfkop" would be remembered forever. Gandogar was lost in thought as he walked alone through the mine tunnels. He could hardly believe all that had transpired in the past year. It all began with the incredible news that he had been selected to explore the depths of Midbad. On their journey, their group discovered all sorts of things. There were unique stones in Bintaviona that were instead found regularly beneath Midbad. Even Midbad's underground felt different from that of Bintaviona.

The journey took its toll; they had set out with forty dwarves, but as time passed, their numbers dwindled. More and more dwarves returned to Bintaviona, reporting their findings to their capital city Dhiltodur. The ultimate goal of their journey was to establish a second dwarven realm beneath Midbad. This was necessary to create initial pathways and explore the environment. 

However, unexpected events led to some dwarves losing their lives. One dwarf died due to a surprise attack by a large carnivorous worm. Gandogar was now among the very last dwarves. Only three of them remained; Badgrom and Bestuh had not given up either. They planned to mine for another couple of weeks before heading back to Bintaviona. 

But then, something unexpected happened.While busy with their pickaxes, the ground suddenly gave way. Before Gandogar knew it, he found himself on the ground, inside a cell. Before him stood a man dressed quite elegantly, who was transforming into a colossal bow. Another man pointed at the victim, and from his hand flowed a dark magical current. Another man stood beside him, bearing a striking resemblance to the victim. Badgrom and Bestuh were startled by this dark magical flow, rising to their feet and grabbing their pickaxes, assuming an attack stance. It was at this moment that Gandogar made a choice.

He grabbed his pickaxe and attacked Badgrom and Bestuh with it. He continued to attack until they were both dead. Covered in blood, he then knelt down and asked the person who had just transformed someone into a bow if he could learn his powers.The week that followed was highly instructive for Gandogar. The man who transformed someone into a bow was Nubé Savos. He brought Gandogar to his estate in Kamu, revealing that they were in the province of Borgon. Gandogar arrived with Badgrom and Bestuh in the dungeons of the Clarus castle. 

The man who had been transformed into a bow was Timel, the crown prince of Borgon. His disappearance led to Randar being appointed the crown prince. Borgon launched multiple search efforts during that week, but the crown prince title was intended to be temporary for Randar. Ugmar, Timel's father, wanted his son back and did everything he could to find him. However, Ugmar could never fathom that Timel had been turned into a bow and was in Nubé Savos' estate. Randar would remain the crown prince, and when Ugmar passed away, Randar would become king.

During his week in Nubé's estate, Gandogar learned a great deal. He was introduced to black magic for the first time in his life. Nubé instructed him and saw potential in Gandogar. After a week, Gandogar still couldn't perform any magic, but he had gained significant theoretical knowledge. He was eager to learn more. Nubé had come to Borgon for a specific reason. He had transformed Timel into a bow so that Randar could become the crown prince. 

Nubé was in Borgon to acquire three objects: the gemstone of the Batavia realm, the grail of the Winsard realm, and the medallion of the Jura realm. Once Randar became king, he would have to fulfill his agreement with Nubé. He would have to acquire the three objects and deliver them to Nubé at his estate in Kamu. However, this had to be done in a way that wouldn't arouse suspicion about Nubé's involvement in the thefts.

"I can use you, Gandogar," Nubé said after explaining his plans for Randar. "However, I can't enlist you right away. I need to be sure of your complete loyalty to me. Only then can I train you in black magic. I don't want anyone disrupting your lessons. Is there someone who might interfere with your studies?"

Gandogar could only think of one person: his brother Bergold. He would never understand why Gandogar had killed Bestuh and Badgrom. Nor would he approve of Gandogar learning black magic. Bergold would never comprehend that what Gandogar was doing and would do was to give the name "Stijfkop" meaning. What dwarf could claim mastery of black magic? No one! Only Gandogar Stijfkop could! This would make him significant, not just for himself but for generations of dwarves. Bergold would obstruct this, he had to disappear.

"When you're ready to learn more about black magic, come back to Kamu. I'll be waiting for you at my estate, Gandogar."It had been a few weeks since Gandogar had been in Borgon. He was almost back in the dwarven realm. What was more important to Gandogar? His brother or the knowledge to give the name "Stijfkop" recognition? This was his chance to finally achieve something no other dwarf had done. 

He would try to convince his brother first, hoping he would see his point of view. He would understand, right? Who would reject the chance for more power? Bergold would, Gandogar thought. His brother had always been too naive. His brother could be content with a simple life, working in the mines during the week, spending free time talking to their parents and reading books in the library. But for Gandogar, that wasn't enough. He was born to accomplish more.

Finally, Gandogar recognized the passages, and not much later, he encountered familiar faces. Everyone was happy to see him again, curious about what he had seen during his long journey. Then he saw his brother coming toward him with a broad smile on his face. Bergold hugged Gandogar, who wondered if he could bring himself to make his own brother vanish. The thought pained him, but he had to make the name "Stijfkop" great. He would make the name Gandogar Stijfkop significant; he would write history, and no one would stand in his way. It was his destiny! Even his own brother would have to understand, or Gandogar had no choice.

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