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Bertoldo had noticed them right away when they walked into the town of Uzés. A group of 5 people, a Viking, a jester, a Tuareg, a scientist Templar, and a giant. In other words, a typical group of adventurers searching for a new adventure. Such groups usually carry a lot of money and other treasures. They are the perfect target for Bertoldo to rob. However, he wasn't the only thief in Uzés thinking along those lines.

Bertoldo sees Gerolf Van Dijck approaching this group of adventurers. He talks with them for a while, and then Bertoldo observes the adventurers following Gerolf. Bertoldo had seen this trick before. Gerolf leads the adventurers to a warehouse, supposedly for lodging. Once there, Gerolf goes in and immediately locks the door. Soon after, the group is attacked by seven bandits. The same thing happens this time, but not as Gerolf intended.

This group of adventurers clearly knows how to deal with bandits. Bertoldo watches as each bandit is easily defeated. Eventually, they all retreat, and the adventurers still possess all their belongings. Bertoldo realizes he needs to be cautious with this group. He observes the adventurers entering the Seafarer's Inn. This inn, managed by innkeeper Rudolf Grasser, is not popular in Uzés because Rudolf always demands a lot of money for overnight stays. However, the adventurers have little choice as the other inns are nearly full. Bertoldo decides to wait a few hours before striking.

Around midnight, Bertoldo decides to rob the adventurers. He walks to the back of the inn and climbs up using a rainpipe. When he reaches the first floor, he enters through the windows, searching each room for the adventurers. After three unsuccessful attempts, the fourth room reveals the giant sleeping in a large bed, along with the Tuareg and the scientist Templar in deep slumber. 

Then, he notices two empty beds. Looking toward the center of the room, he briefly makes eye contact with the jester and the Viking. Out of reflex, he jumps from the window to the adjacent roof. As he lands on the roof, he starts sprinting and preparing to jump to the next one. However, he sees the jester and the Viking climbing out of the window. He jumps to the next roof and realizes they're closer than he expected.

Jumping to a third roof, he spots a rainpipe to descend to the ground. As he looks back, he sees the jester also landing on the third roof. The Viking, however, falls short and plummets between the two roofs. Bertoldo uses the rainpipe to slide down. Just as he's about to continue running, he suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder, pulling him backward and causing him to fall on his back. 

"Why were you spying on us in our room? What do you want from us?" says the jester in a commanding tone. 

"I'm just a simple thief. I don't want any trouble, really. I'm just trying to get by, that's all. I saw you arriving in Uzés and thought you might have some money. Please don't kill me." Bertoldo sees a understanding and compassionate look on the jester's face. 

"Make sure I don't see you again, and especially that my friends don't see you. I'm not sure they'd let you go easily."

"So, you're letting me live? I can just leave?"

"Leave now, before I change my mind." Bertoldo examines the jester closely. Someone like him could be useful in the Valentina gang. "Um, thanks," he says, walking to the jester and shaking his hand. During this handshake, he discreetly passes a piece of paper to the jester. On that paper are the passwords for the next three days to enter his gang's hideout. He doesn't tell the jester, but if he's clever enough and interested, he'll figure it out. After nodding once more at the jester, Bertoldo walks away.

After a few streets between him and the jester, Bertoldo stops walking. He hasn't earned much money tonight. Nevertheless, he decides it's time to return to the Valentina base. Tomorrow is a new day; perhaps he'll have better luck then. He walks a few more streets until he suddenly sees a kobold standing in a secluded alley. 

It's Knijster, François Oudenhuysen's kobold. Bertoldo is not only a member of the Valentina gang but also occasionally works for the renowned businessman François Oudenhuysen. He regularly provides information about the underworld of Uzés and sometimes spies on people for Oudenhuysen, all without his boss Emilio Valentina's knowledge, solely to earn extra money.

If Knijster is here, it means Oudenhuysen wants to speak to him. Perhaps he could still earn some money tonight. He walks into the alley without being noticed. "He wants to talk to you; it's about Kurt Holger," Knijster says to him. Then, Knijster touches him with his hand, and they vanish together. In a split second, Bertoldo finds himself in Oudenhuysen's villa, specifically in the lounge. Eugene, Oudenhuysen's butler, approaches him with a cup of tea. "He's still busy; he'll be here in 10 minutes. Enjoy your tea in the meantime."

Ten minutes later, Oudenhuysen enters the lounge and sits across from Bertoldo. "Bertoldo, this time I need some information about the Schatzenheimer gang. Kurt Holger, their leader, died a few days ago. The cause of death is still unknown. However, I know for certain that just before his death, Kurt, along with some gang members, attempted to steal the Duke Jordaan Frasiër's gemstone. They succeeded, and then Kurt died. I'm not aware of what happened to the other gang members or the gemstone's whereabouts."

Bertoldo already knew that Kurt Holger was dead. He had learned this two days ago from his boss, Emilio Valentina. Emilio and Kurt had been rivals for years, each other's biggest competitors in Uzés. With Kurt's death, Emilio saw an opportunity to end the Schatzenheimer gang. 

"Mr. Oudenhuysen, I can tell you that the rest of the gang members have returned to their base. They informed everyone there about Kurt Holger's death. However, this news also reached our gang. Emilio Valentina saw this as a chance to wipe out the Schatzenheimers. Yesterday, we unexpectedly raided their base, and almost all the Schatzenheimer gang members died. As for the gemstone, I haven't heard anything yet. I didn't even know that Kurt Holger or anyone from the Schatzenheimer gang had actually stolen it. If they did, then the gemstone must still be somewhere in the Schatzenheimer base. Unless one of the surviving members took the gemstone with them." 

"So, according to you, the highest probability is that the gemstone is currently located in the Schatzenheimer base? Alright then, I'm giving you the task to retrieve the gemstone and hand it over to me. If you do, I will reward you handsomely." 

"With all due respect, Mr. Oudenhuysen, if I go to the Schatzenheimer base now, I'll be in serious trouble. Firstly, a surviving gang member might recognize me and try to kill me. Secondly, someone from my own gang might see me there, and then I'll have to explain myself." 

"So, if you're not going, Bertoldo, who will ensure I get that gemstone?"

Bertoldo spontaneously thinks of the group of adventurers that arrived in Uzés this evening. "There's a group of adventurers who arrived in Uzés today, sir. They seem more than capable of retrieving that gemstone. I'm quite sure if you place an advertisement in the main market, they'll come knocking at your door themselves." Bertoldo noticed Oudenhuysen looking pensive, then a smile formed on his face. 

"Indeed, this sounds like the perfect task for a group of adventurers. Another cup of tea, Bertoldo?"

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