Chapter 1

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"You can't defeat me" huffed an exhausted Tai lung as he tried
to gain his balance, clumsily getting back to his feet while breathing heavily.
"Your just a big-" Tai tripping himself while saying something towards Po, as
He back up away from him in confusion. "Fat!" He said while pointing at him
Making Po look at him in straight face. Already knowing he is what he looks like,
Not really caring of it hurting him as Tai said it. "Panda!". As Tai finally said his final sentence
Aloud, he tried to aim a throwing punch at his face but failed as Po grabbed his finger with his hand stopping him.

"I'm not a big fat panda". He exclaimed. "I'm the big fat panda!". He said in a confident tone.
Smirking at him while lifting his pinky finger up. Tai lung looked at him wide eyed, knowing the move he was doing. Stuttering his words out. "The w-whooshie f-finger hold!". He said in a gasp tone. "Oh you know this hold?". Said Po in a cocky tone, a smug grin on his face. "Your bluffing, your bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you that!". He said as he trembled nervously. "Nope". Po said making Tai relieved upon hearing that answer.

"I figured it out~" he said. This made Tai lung's smile fade away completely while hearing that.
"Ska-doosh!". Po said it straightforward and calmly. Putting down his pinky finger as he did so, as Tai lung closed his eyes knowing it was over for him. Sensing the bright yellow light spread over through the whole town as everyone saw it, covering themselves for protection as the gust of dirt wind flew through them in a swift move.

As Tai lung opened his eyes, he looked around to see he was somewhere he didn't know nor
didn't look like he was in the afterlife. "What? Where am I? What is this place?". He told himself while floating in the air. "Why your in the spirit realm my friend hehe". Said a voice behind him. Making him jump, quickly turning around to see the person whom he never sought to see again in his life. "Oogway?!". He said. "Why yes! It's me Tai lung. Long time no see". He said while giggling softly.

"I...I haven't seen you since...since I tried to take the scroll...". He said in a low voice. Turning his head away from his Master. Feeling a slight bit of guilt from the memory so long ago. "Indeed there my friend. It has been so long ago since you turned bad and nearly destroyed everything around China. Tch, oh how time goes fast when you try to forget and move on through life". He said as he sat behind a blossomed tree.

"Tch, do you really have to bring that up just now?, I know what I did was terrible and in the past, but you don't have to bring it up while I'm here! Defeated by the dragon warrior of yours that you picked! A panda? Really?". He said in a stern but sarcastic tone. Oogway smiled while chuckling.

"Well yes, Po. I've have chosen him to become the Dragon Warrior, and my,
Does he really shown some greatness and willpower to become one. Thanks to Shifu trusting in me. Of course". He said.

Tai lung growled angerly by that answer. Turning his back towards him as Oogway noticed. "However Tai, just because you weren't meant to be the Dragon Warrior. Doesn't mean that you can change your ways and become greatness than the Dragon Warrior. A path that I can do tell you about. One that can lead you to come back to the mortal realm and change your legacy for yourself." He said. Tai's ears pierced up about what Oogway said that intrigued the snow leopard. Slowly turning to face Oogway again, showing a face of surprise and interest to know what his path can lead to. For him to get a second chance in life. "A path you say?". Tai said. Oogway nodded.

Tai thought about it for a moment. Wanting to know if what Oogway is saying was true and not some sort of trick to be lifting up hope in his head, just like Shifu did to him, fake dreams of his destiny and lies of being the Dragon Warrior, only for a panda to become the chosen one. Betrayed by his master for telling him such foolishness of his path to greatness, leading him through hatred, greed, and obsession for a useless scroll that was filled with nothing, just a golden reflection of himself.

Then again, Oogway never lies, nor is wrong about what he sees and tells to the people that are close to him. He's not like Shifu, no, he was a true Master and an understanding one to trust to. So, does he even have an option to decline his opportunity to change his life upside down? And into a new chapter for himself? Only one way to find out.

Tai lung looks at Oogway. "Fine, if what your saying is true. Then I will hear you out for what you have to say. However, if you lie or betray my trust in you, then I'm out of here and be the same way that I am. With no regrets. Deal?". He said. Oogway smiled. "Trust me Tai lung, you'll definitely not hate me for this. You got yourself a deal". He said.

"Alright, so, tell me what you see of my destiny".

To be Continued......

Tai lung x Po Redemption Warrior Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now