Chapter 3

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The Furious Five had been training for a while in order to help another town that was in trouble from Bandits, stealing their supplies from homes, killing people, leaving children behind to fend for themselves without their parents or other family relatives. Only leaving them being an orphan, living in an orphanage from others who took them in. With no home or a place to live but there.

Of course Tigress knew about this first when she discovered it. She was on a mission at first to find someone from who they told her had stole something very precious to them, to the point where it could lead to the wrong hands if used for bad things or purposes.

A special ring that an ancestor gave to them for luck and protection. To guide them in their life, showing future visions and great power for it . And now, it was no longer with them. Thanks to the thief who took it when they were not at home at the time.

As they told Tigress and her friends for help, she agreed to do so. With the help of her friend Viper to take her on this mission. Leaving the others to protect the town of China, in case something happens.

And once they had found the person they were looking for, based of their description of the thief. It was a woman, but not just a regular woman. She was a real skilled martial artist for her appearance and size. A red 18 year old  fox, who knew how to fight her way out towards anything and anyone. Camouflaged and sneaky about it. However, not skilled enough to get passed by Tigress and Viper. As they been trained more than their life's worth in being at the Jade Palace. By true Masters of Kung Fu.

After they brought back the ring to their rightful owners. They thanked her and Viper for bringing back their precious treasure and their services to helping those in need as possible, with both treating them with dinner at their house as a gratitude for saving their history and retribution.

Of course Tigress and Viper gladly agreed and decided to join the two couples at their house for a meal to enjoy.

They absolutely didn't have no regrets, as the food they been offer to eat was delicious to them. Better than Po's noodles cooking, but it's still good nonetheless.

Once they ate, talked and finally said their goodbyes to the couple. They both departed their ways back home to China. Their friends waiting for them, safe and sound.

Tigress took a view at the town from a far away glance. Looking at it in a big picture as she and Viper walked farther and farther away. To see it in clear.

A very depressed, grayish, and not so stable environment for people to live there. The population of the people were no more than 500, not a lot of them staying for very long. As others moved for a better place or town, not wanting danger happening every so often.

Peace is what those beings needed to not be feared. Unable being afraid of their lives at stakes.

And Tigress knew it as the couples they had dinner with told them about how their town was. Having a reason to stay in that town. Because of their luck and faith, one day, for the town of theirs to change someday. Seeing it in a clear light.

Feeling a true home for them.

This made Viper and Tigress feel sympathy for the two couple. Encouraged of their faith. Sensing a spark of motivation to do the same for China. Ridding out of danger and troubles for the helpless.

And seeing change for themselves. Making sure to promise that in each other. In order to not let anything repeat itself, someone must take charge, and make the cycle break, going into a different path. For its destiny to arrive for greatness.

Hopefully, is what Tigress would wish for it to happen to the couple.

Even today, she still thinks about the two, and the town. Wondering if they're alright, as she will come back there again. To fight the bandits with her friends this time, after so long ago.

"Well done my fellow students. Especially you Po". Said Shifu.

"Thanks Master Shifu". Said everyone as Po grinned happily at the comment.

"You may all be dismissed from Training. Rest now". He said walking away.

"Yes Master!". Said all. Giving a bow before departing ways.

"Viper". Said Tigress.

Viper jumped a little, turning around to Tigress. "Y-yes?".

"Want to join me in exploring the forest?". She asked.

Viper nodded while smiling.

"Alright, I'll wait for you outside when your ready". She said before walking away after Viper nodded.

Viper couldn't think straight after what Po told her last night. About visions of Tai lung, coming back here in the mortal realm. It just didn't make sense for her. Yet the advice she gave for him might of cheered him up a little, but would've still driven him back to his visions. Trying to figure it out for himself, until he finally give an answer for his teammates.

She was concerned about it. But promised him to not tell no one, in fear of stressing everyone out.

So she hopes that Po can understand them in time, before it's too late.

Viper sighs deeply. Calming herself down. "Please be safe for me Po. I hope your visions will tell you something from the future, that we're not aware of.

One that will tell all our destinies to come by. Before you do".

To be Continued....

Tai lung x Po Redemption Warrior Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now