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"Run, child! Go to the Manta leader, she knows what to do!"

"But mom, I don't want to leave you!"

They are running from the shadow, the corruption until they at the end of the forest, the cliff. It's high enough to kill you and summon a portal, because there is one bright with blue color.

"Child, do you remember the lesson! Now it's your time to practice it. You don't want to leave me alone right?”
The child nods.

"Alright sweetie, go fly to that portal. I'll come after you,"
She assures the child.

"You promise?”

"Yes, I promise," then she hugs the child, "I love you. Now go!”

The child prepares herself and flies, enters the portal, but before she can react the portal closes itself and leaves her mother killed before her eyes.


"Where are they?"

"We apologize my king, we managed to kill the mother but the child…"

"Oh? You lost her, didn't you?" The mysterious voice growls a little bit and walks toward his minion. The minion keep their head down.

"You may go,"

"Yes, your highness," The minion stands up and turns back then walks to the door. But they froze for a while before they scattered into pieces.


Do you want to know more?

Let's follow her journey, shall we?

To be continued~

A/N Thank you for reading, I hope you like it.

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