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A normal day in the morning.

Zeph's POV

The alarm ringing means I need to wake up and start doing some boring stuff, preparing myself to get off the bed.

I shower and then have a little breakfast, as usual, bread and strawberry jam. For your information, I live alone, and of course, I still get the money from my aunt that lives not far from here. Just fly through the wind path then you arrive.

Also, I'm an adult now and my parents or my uncle and aunty, registered me for college. Yes, a college where you can learn about magic and fly using your special capes you have from summoning lesson, recharge it with fire. No worries, there are only two kinds of creatures here.

The two kinds of creatures are Light and Dark. The light creatures are usually in the form of manta, bird, fish, baby seal, and turtle. Also there is a plant that can help you breathe and recharge your cape underwater. The dark creatures are dark dragons that fly around the swamps, or krills, because it doesn't have wings and it looks like overcooked shrimp, and some crabs. There are some dark plants as well, it can be found all around the swamps and the clearing with dark water surrounded it. Be careful because the dark water is a poison, it can deplete your wings.

The light creatures will give you a variant of blessings and the dark creatures will take it from you with force, whether you like it or not.

Once I'm ready, I walk to the flight dock and ride a manta to get to my college, Sky-Elry University. I can fly with my birdy wings cape, but mantas are faster than flying on my own. While flying, I see my friend, Vell. She is my classmate and is riding a manta as well. I rarely see her ride the manta, usually she'll use the boat instead or fly on her own.

At the gate, we greet and hug each other.

"Hey, Vell!"

"Zeph! I have great news! You won't believe me," She giggles.

"Oh, what is it?" I say with a flat tone but I'm curious at the same time.

"I heard there will be some new students," Wait a minute...

"Some? For real?" She looks at me with her annoyed face.

"I know you wouldn't believe me. But yes, the rumor said there will be at least 4 to 5 students that will be here this afternoon," She said as we walked to our classroom.

My class is on the 2nd floor, A-2. The class for people that have had special magic since they were born.

"Um, Zeph, today I'm gonna sit with my friend. Do you mind?"

Vell always asked me about that. She knew that I couldn't handle my emotions well.

"Ah okay. I'll sit at my usual desk." I walk toward the back seat. There are two desks and four empty chairs, and a desk with a chair. I sit on a chair with one desk. Actually, I don't want to sit alone, but hey, it's not that bad to sit alone by yourself.

The bell rings, meaning it's time to start the class. If I recall, today's class is practicing magic. Well, I hope it's going well.

As all the students sit down, our teacher, Mr. Ron comes and announces about the new students.

'I thought that would be this afternoon. Hmm, okay,'

"Pay attention everyone. We have some new students in this class. Behave yourself! You all can come in!"

Once my classmates silenced, Mr. Ron told them to come in and introduce themself. There are five of them.

'Hmm, wait a minute. I knew them! They are my neighbors! Their house is right beside me! Oh sheet.'

I cover my head and lean to the desk, trying not to be seen by them.

After a few minutes of introduction and Q&A, they sat in front of me. I only listen to their names, Adrien, Eliazar, Kai, Gio, and Leo. Also, I forgot the desks in front and beside me are empty. Well, my desk can be extended with magic to two people at one desk.

"Hey, I know you," One of them says.

"Wait, you're our neighbor. Hi!"

I slowly raise my head and greet them back.

"Hi, I'm Kai. Can I sit beside you? I can see the desk and chair here can be extended,"

I sighed and let him sit beside me after I used a little of my mana to extend the chair and desk. Then he sits beside me.

'This is awkward...'

"Alright class, bring all your things. We'll have practice on how you control your magic," With that Mr. Ron walks to the class balcony. Yes, our school is special and different, there is a balcony for each class.

So we can glide down to the school yard faster than walking down the stairs. Usually I'll go down the stairs, but Mr. Ron locked it before gliding down, so I have no choice but to glide. Honestly, I'm afraid of heights. One by one my classmates already glided down, following mr. Ron. Now it is just me and the brothers left.

"Alright, are you ready!?"

"Ha! I bet I'm faster than you this time!"

All of them are already gliding down except for the oldest, Adrien. He approaches me as I'm looking down the balcony.

"Hey, you're not going down there?"

I look at him then look away. I think he can see my fear in my eyes.

"Here, take my hand." I hesitate to take his hand. Eventually, I took his offer.

"I'm... afraid of heights. Thank you for your help," I smile at him then look away.

He smiles back, "Alright, you ready?" I nod and we jump together.

I grip his hand tighter, afraid of losing him. Though the wind blows as we fly, not far from here we landed successfully on the ground. Vell runs to me and hugs me once I let go of his hand.

"Zeph! Oh my gosh, are you alright? You're sweating," She looks worried about me.

"Yea-yeah, I'm alright. See?" I stuttered, honestly I'm trembling right now. But I don't want to make her more worried.

Mr. Ron clears his throat to get the attention of the students.

"You finished?" We nodded.

"Alright, today we'll do this in a group. There will be 6 people in 1 group. Find your group first then I will give you the next instructions,"

'What? Grouping? I don't like it! Last time we grouped for a project, I ended up killing some of them. I just hope this will go well without killing anyone.'

"Zeph, let's-" Before Vell can finish her sentence, someone pulls me.

"She is with us, I hope you don't mind," It's Kai.

"What?! Hey-"

A hand covering my mouth to shut up.

"Hey what happened here?! I heard a fuss! Have you finished looking for a group?!" Mr. Ron squinted his eyes.

"Yes, mr. Ron. We're ready for the next instruction. Right guys?" Leo looks at his brothers and me. I looked at Vell and gave her a wink with a 'I'll be fine' look and she smiled before going to her friend's group.

A few minutes later after everyone's grouping, Mr. Ron gives a paper with some instructions for the project to each group and leaves the rest to us. Mr. Ron said the teacher will have a meeting today, and today the headmaster gives us free time to practice and study or tour the school. Except for us, only our class is a must to learn how to control our magic and do some of its projects.

We scatter to find a fine place to practice. I look at other groups, they look fine and normal though. I hope mine is normal as well. I do feel some emotional changes in my group. Will it be okay? I'll just pretend I didn't know.

As we practice with our magic, I feel something is about to come to this place.

To be continued~

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