Chapter 14 - Will!?

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TW: Pills, Overdose, SH, Hospitals??

Mikes POV

I run into my house, tears now streaming down my face.

"S-Someone come with me, I'm going to his house." I announce and they all look at me.

"Dude, are you sure?" Lucas asks me.

"Yes I'm sure! Because I love him and I'm not fucking loosing him so either someone come with me or Im going alone." I yell at them and their eyes widen but Max gets up.

"I'll come, now hurry up before something bad happens." She runs up the stairs and I follow her.

We get on our bikes and cycle as fast as we possibly can, but I can't go as fast as I had liked because of my tears blocking my view.

We pull up at the byers house and I knock on the door.

"Will! Will I'm really sorry! Please let me in I do love you I'm really sorry!" I cry, frantically knocking on the door.

No answer.

I knock again and I see Max go pale.

"Something has definitely happened, go in through his window he always leaves in unlocked." She tells me hurriedly.

"What? How do you know?" I ask her, wiping away the tears falling down my face.

"I just do, now hurry up!" She yells at me and we both run over to his window.

She climbs in first, before helping me climb in.

"Check everywhere, he's good at hiding." She tells me and I nod.

We both go into the kitchen, and I see Max walk over to a knife on the counter.

"Shit shit shit!" I hear her yell.


"Bathroom!" She yells and I run to the bathroom and burst open the door.

On the floor is Will, both of his arms cut and bleeding, with an empty bottle of pills next to him.

"HOLY SHIT WILL!?" I yell in pure fear.

"It hurts.. Mike." He whispers to me, his head leant back against the cabinet.

"I know Will, I know! Just hold on, we will help you." I try and reassure him but I start crying.

"I love you sooo much, you know?" He grins at me, loopy from the pills.

"Will I love you too, so so much. Please just hold on!" I cry.

"Nooo you dont.. I know you don't." He doesn't believe me.

"No, no I do!" I try and tell him, tears streaming down my face.

"Mmmm my head hurts.." He whispers, closing his eyes.

"NO WILL DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I yell at him, trying to keep his eyes open but they just roll to the back of his head and his mouth starts foaming.

I scream and Max runs in and I hear her gasp.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR, HURRY CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I yell at her sobbing, and she nods and runs back out.

"Will come on I love you so much you can do this, please don't leave me. You mean so much to me." I cry into his chest, trying to feel for a heartbeat and I feel it beating slightly.

I hear his breaths start to become uneven and I start panicking even more.

"MAX HELP PLEASE!!" I yell and she comes rushing in.

"IS HE OKAY?" She asks me, crying.

"I-I DONT KNOW!? PLEASE HELP HIM!" I yell at her and she grabs the small boy from my arms.

"Shit shit shit." I hear her mumble and she crying even more.

She was about to do something but we hear sirens and foot steps.

Max rushes out and brings them into the bathroom where we both hear the workers gasp, before lifting him up and putting him into the back of the ambulance.

Me and Max jump in immediately and for the first time, I hug her.

I feel her tense up but she immediately hugs me back and she rubs my back as I sob into her chest.

"Mike he's gonna be okay.. I promise." She tries to reassure me as I cry harder, and she starts crying harder as well.

I feel the ambulance stop and some different workers come and pull Will off of the bed and into the hospital.

Me and Max stay sat in the ambulance for a couple of minutes, sat crying and hugging.

I pull away and avoid eye contact with her.

"W-We need to go in and get out of this ambulance." I tell her, struggling to speak as I'm crying so hard.

"Yeah, let's go." She sniffles, and grabs my hand and we both walk in and sit down in the waiting room.

My leg bounces up and down and I pick at the skin around my nails, trying to calm myself down but I can't.

I just sit down, sobbing, while Max calls the party, Joyce and Jonathan to tell them what has happened.

She sits down next to me and puts my head on her shoulder.

"I hope you know this is a one time thing." She jokes which manages to make me smile, and I fall asleep on her shoulder.

(Around 2 hours later)

I wake up and see the whole party sat around us, Eleven on the other side of me and Lucas and Dustin on the other side of us.

We all sit in silence, crying and drifting in and out of sleep before 2 people burst through the doors of the hospital.

"Where the hell is my boy!" Joyce yells, storming past us and marching right up to the front desk.

"Ma'am calm down." The man at the front desk tells her.

"Dont you dare tell me to calm down!" She yells at him and Jonathan speaks up.

"Where is Will Byers room?" He asks the man and he starts typing in the computer.

"He's still being treated. I will notify you when I am given an update." The man told them both calmly.

Joyce storms over to where me and the party are sitting, and her and Jonathan sit down next to Lucas and Dustin.

(It goes Dustin, Lucas, Jonathan, Joyce
And then Max, Mike, Eleven)

Joyce puts her head on Jonathan's shoulded and bursts into tears.

"How could he do that to himself, Jonathan.." She cries into his shoulders and Jonathan tries to reply but he also starts crying.

I look at them and guilt pools inside of my stomach.

This entire situation is my fault. If I never accepted that stupid fucking dare he would he happy and healthy without me and everyone would be fine.

Max rubs my arm as an attempt to soothe me and I rest my head back on her shoulder, and fall back to sleep.

{Word Count: 1119}

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