007. Bruises and cuts

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LANAS EYES OPENED TO THE feeling of her bed. Her favorite bed.

She slowly sat up, seeing the blue wallpaper, and beach themed items collectively around her room. The white comforter clasping her body tightly, making her never want to leave. She figured Jeremiah must have lead her to her bed after he cleaned her lip up.

Most of it was a blur as she was half asleep, struggling to keep her eyes open. The only thing that kept her awake was the searing pain that bolted through her bottom lip when Jeremiah tried to clean it.

In result, she finally decided to prepare and get ready for the day. As she made her way into the bathroom, the only thing that stared back at her was a mess. Normally Lana was more put together and at least looked like she had herself put together and figured out.

There wasn't much she could do regarding her lip, but she knew she had to cover up the rest of the bruises that laid against her stomach and chest.

She grabbed and old Cousins hoodie, and rested with a comfortable pair of shorts.

She cringed to herself as she continued to look into the mirror, giving her the chance to really look at herself. It made her stomach queasy, knowing there was a possibility she'd have to head to the country club with a busted lip. The deb ball meetings and practices started soon, and she refused to look like she was beaten up.

Lana dragged herself down the stairs, hoping she wouldn't be greeted with most of the family.

"Woah, what happened to you La?"

"Good morning to you too, Steven." Steven shrugged, looking over at Jeremiah for a possible answer.

Next was Laurel.

She was immediately shot into mother mode, worrying specifically for Lana. "Oh my god, sweetie, what happened to your lip?"

Laurel was met with silence. She just couldn't bring herself to say it. It was embarrassing.

The silence was enough for Laurel to fill in the blanks, sympathy filling each and every one of her features, wrapping her into a motherly and much deserved hug.

Two pairs of eyes stared at her with worry. Steven had finally caught on, his face softening.

Releasing from the warm hug, she gave Lana a small pat on the back, letting the girl go wonder off towards Jeremiah who continued to cook.

Lana plopped herself on top of the marble island, her thighs shivering against the cold. Jeremiah had his back to her as he cooked his eggs.

She noticed the infamous green hangover smoothie beside her that still sat in the blender. "Oh, god is that the hangover smoothie?"

Jeremiah turned around with a proud smile. "Yeah, Conrad's been bitching, I had to make something to shut him up." He shrugged.

"That'll definitely make him shut up." Lana mumbled under her breath, hiding the disgust she had for the smoothie.

"How does your lip feel?"

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