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Y/N was sitting on the elephant she had caught, a green book in her hand called "The medical basics

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Y/N was sitting on the elephant she had caught, a green book in her hand called "The medical basics." She had two things in her lap, a measuring tape and a book about elephants. She discovered that the elephant she caught was really big for an elephant, like really big. From the jungle emerged Sanji with a dinosaur behind him. "Sanji!" The girl smiled at him, "Y/N-swan!~" The blonde let go of the dinosaur and threw his arms open and ran up to her. He came to a halt at the bottom of the elephant, "I knew that stupid mosshead would get lost!" He huffed

Y/N set the book in her hand down, "Actually, I got lost." She moved the things from her lap and slid down the elephants round belly to beside Sanji. "Have you seen the rest of the crew?" Y/N asked, "Usopp and Nami aren't on the merry?" Sanji's eyes widened, He quickly glanced back to the ship behind her. "I came back and they were gone." She replied, "Somethings definitely wrong, very wrong..."

"Let's go find them." The girl grabbed Sanji by the hand and pulled him into the jungle. His red face held a goofy smile and his eyes were shaped like hearts. "Luffy!" Y/N cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled into the dark jungle, "Zoro!" Sanji missed the feeling of her hand, he hated that her hand left his just to yell for those idiots. "Vivi!" The girl continued to call out, her skin grew goosebumps but she ignored it. "Nami!" Y/N yelled, "Usopp!" Y/N frowned from the lack of response. The roar of a tiger made the girl turn around. The tiger leaped at her but was immediately kicked by Sanji before it could even touch her.

The two sat on the back of the tiger, it slowly walked with bumps on its head. Sanji clung to Y/N's back with his arms around her waist. "Nami! Vivi! Luffy!" The girl called the names, Sanji kept mumbling something while he blushed red. "Zoro! Usopp!" The girl brings the tiger to a stop. "Sanji?..." The girl got his attention, "What's that?" The boy looked in front of them, it was a odd looking white shed. They got off of the tiger, he was reluctant to let her go.

Y/N knocked on the door while Sanji peaked through one of the windows. "There's no one in there." Sanji informed her, the two walked into the building and looked around. The blonde noticed a fancy tea set and kettle, so of course he began to make tea while Y/N looked around. She found some papers and sat down on a waxy chair to read them. What she found wasn't very pleasing to her. The papers in her hands almost tore in her grip. She stuffed the papers in her skirt pocket.

"Here you go, Y/N-swan!!" Sanji sat tea in front of the girl and sat beside her to drink his own tea. "Is that blood on your shirt?" Sanji freezed at the red that was on her pink top. "Oh, yeah... It's nothing, I'm fine." She reassured the boy before drinking the tea. Her mind was full of rage though at the information the papers had given her, Sanji didn't need to know that though. "Sanji, I've been meaning to ask you something." Y/N casually sipped her tea, "Why did you tell the crew that you're from East Blue? Last time I checked, you were born in the West Blue." She asked, Sanji froze. "This is some really good tea." She took another sip.

The two sat in silence, "You can't hide from it forever and you can't hide it from them forever either. You don't have to answer my question either, I understand that it's hard for a man to be so open. I had no problem telling the crew about my background because it's absolutely impossible to hide who I am due to my family. Maybe it's easier to hide who you are.." She rambled, Sanji starred down at the tea with tears threatening to fall. "I vaguely remember something, I'm not sure if it really happened but I want to know, even though it isn't very important." She looked up from the dark tea, "Did I ever play cards with you and R-" Y/N was interrupted by a ringing.

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