Chapter 1: Blue

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She sits there alone. AGAIN. She look out through the window besides her bed-ward bed .It's easy for her because the bed is at the corner of the room.

"Hey, "

Someone enters the room but she didn't turned around. Her eyes were focused on the view outside.

It's her brother, Jade. He sits next to her on the bed.

"I brought your favorite cake, "

He try to trace a smile on his face but he can't. Dianne didn't give any response.

He sighed.


Jade's POV

I bought you some cheese cakes, your favorite.. I don't know what attracts you outside there.

But please.. can you take a look at me? I miss your smile.

"Do you want to have a walk? " I asked trying to get her attention.

Still.. she didn't give any response.Honestly, I don't know what had happened to her-what had change her

I only know that she's having trauma.But yeah..I guess that's is not the main problem.


The view outside attracts her more than the cheese cakes that he bought her.

She shed tears but holds it in. She's afraid that her brother might notice it.

He held her hands as he notices the change of Dianne's expression.. to comfort her.

But it actually doesn't comforts her, not even a bit. She pushed his hands away from her.

She pulls her legs and hugged it closer to her chest. She can't hold it any longer.

She tried to be strong but the pain keep hurting her. But then, her tears fell to her cheeks.

He noticed about it. Jade was stunned but then he pulled Dianne into his arms and hugged her with affection.

"I... miss him " she said as she hugs him back.


Jade's POV

I put her into bed.

There's tears on her eyelids. This is nonsense. My lovely sister acts like this all because of him?

He smirked. Where is he? He noticed a blue bouquet of blue roses on side table beside her bed.

And a small note.

Initially, he doesn't want to know the content. Because of his curiosity, he read it anyways.

"I love your smile.You make me feel calm just by seeing your sweet smile, dear "


He threw the card into the dustbin with anger.

Where are you then when she needs you the most ?! You left just like that!

I'm not sure what's his motive really is. Didn't he knew that she needs him here?!

Okay, that's enough. My head aches thinking about this. He massages his forehead.


Avoiding herself from Jade including her parents. She didn't touch her breakfast.

It worries Jade. He tried everything so that she could eat even a little bit of it.


Well not just breakfast, she didn't ate anything for few days. Her mulishness made everyone around her worries.

She's in her own world. Looking at the view through the window is part of her routine ever since she was placed at the hospital.


Jade gave her some cheese cakes on a small plate.

"Eat some, " he said with some worry tone.

She didn't take it but all she did was staring at the cheese cake.

"Don't worry. I didn't put something that could harm you in this cake " he told her convincing that he really didn't.

" You should put some, "she said as she looked away.

Sometimes Dianne's attitude is quite irritating. As a brother he have to be patient with her.

He release a deep sigh. Few minutes passed, Dianne turned to face Jade.

"Did you took care of my 'precious'? " she asked him with some - "you really should take care of it "- tone.

"I did.. but lately I kinda busy taking care of you so-"

"It's okay."

"I'm sorry, Dianne. "

"Nah, it's not your fault at all " she gave a light smile.

Jade replies her smile happily since he hadn't seen her smiling for a long time.


Jade's POV

Finally..It's good to see her smile. I hope that smile would last just like before . I want my little sister back.

That's my only wish.

I want it to be like how it was used to be before.

I miss my little sister who loves to play around with me. But yeah, she had changed.


She's still with her cold attitude. Staring at the view outside the hospital.

She have a look at the flowers which been sent to her room by the nurse.

Those flowers again, she sighed

There's a small card between the flowers. She took the card and opened it. As usual there's words written on it.

'Don't you ever let your tears fall because of me, my love '

She shed tears holding it in hoping that it won't fall.

In the end, she bursts into tears and falls down to her cheeks.

"Where are you? " she wipe her tears away trying to be as cheerful as she was before but, she can't.


Time goes by faster than she expected. She would read those small cards which she received every morning.

Someone knocks the door and enters the room with a blue rose in a small vase.

"I brought your ' precious ' along, " he said as he showed the flower to her and hand it to her.

"Thanks Jade. " she smiles as she took it from Jade's grip.



"Thanks! " she said as she kissed his cheek.

"Um.. yeah, you're welcome. " he blushed.

"Glad you like it, "he gave her his sweetest smile he could did.


Her tears fall. It's in the past. He didn't showed up.

He didn't came to see me not even for a minute. Am still waiting but it was such waste of time.

Day by day hoping for dream comes true. Mere wishing brings nothing but disappointment.


A/N: Sorry for the grammar errors. I hope you guys like this story. Please leave your comments and vote. Thank you !

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