Face I.D

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My Face ID didn't recognize me once, and my first thought was, 'I know, I don't recognize myself either.' I feel like a different person every day; one day I feel so alive, and the next it feels as if the end is near, and maybe it is. Maybe it's time for something to end, but what's going to end first? Will it be me? My thoughts? And at what point will others stop recognizing me?
Will they see me the way I do now? Will they think of me as evil or kind? Will they look at me with disgust or love? Will I ever be the same me I was yesterday, or will I always be so up and down? Then I worry that if I fall in love, they will not recognize me. Will we be in love one day, and the next, I will change far too much for them to know who they love? At what point will they decide they no longer care for my love? What will I do when the day comes when I can't be me anymore? I want to be me again, but I'm not sure who she is because I don't recognize myself most days, and it scares me.
I long for the days when I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to be a dancer at one point. I spent hours dancing to the radio or the music in my mind, but now I am not her; I no longer dance, and I no longer dream of that life, so I no longer recognize that.
Maybe that's how it will be, but I question if I will do the same tomorrow. Will I wake up to a different person looking back at me? Or will I be me?

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