Overprotective pt 2 Alan and Alex

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y/n pov:
im on break and i haven't hung out with alex nor alan i really want to hang out w em.i texted alan if he wanted to come over and he said he was.but then alex texted me if he could come over.i felt so bad.i had to say no but i texted he could come over tmr.i wonder when they are gonna notice i like them.alan knocks on the door and i open it once he comes in he wraps his arms around me and kisses me."hey mamas" he said.i was just examining his face he was so handsome omg."hey bae how are u" i said."im good"he said and he sat me down on the counter and kissed me. i kiss him back but then he french kisses my neck and gives me hickies  . i slightly moan in his ear causing him to take off his shirt and he takes off mines.we were making out for atleast 10 mins."ur so pretty mamas did yk that?" he said."uhm no?" i laugh."well ur gorgeous mi amor" he said i walk up to him and kiss his cheek.me and him hung out for most of the day and when he left i got a text from alex.he wanted to come over so i finally did .in 5 mins i hear knocking on the door.i open the door and see alex with a big bouquet of flowers."aww alexx you didnt have to do that" i said ."ik but i wanted to mami" he said.he turned me on making me blush.

he stayed over for a bit and when he went home i got a text from my boy bsf i havent talked to in years.

he stayed over for a bit and when he went home i got a text from my boy bsf i havent talked to in years

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bro i'm tired of people liking me omg i feel like a bad person bro😭.i want to go to the movies w him n i hope alan and alex don't find out i was with eddie they would be mad😭

i woke up at 12:30 pm after being up till 4 seeing edits people make of me and alan and alex.me and eddie made an agreement to ho to the movies at 2 pm so i decided to get ready now.i throw on sweatpants and a red basic crop top both a little cut out between the middle to show a bit of cleavage.i put on my red and black thunders and i put my hair up with two curly strands of hair hanging .i did some light makeup and the door bell rang.at that time it was 1:45 and i walk down the stairs and open the door."heyy y/n" he said." hi eddie wow u look different" i said."not really i just play soccer and go to the gym lmao" he said."but you look amazing jeez"he continued." thank you" i said."okay let's go" he said.we both walk out and get into his car.we arrive to the movies and it was pretty packed."this is really the best movie theater here huh?" he said with a smirk.i smile and laugh a bit.we get popcorn and snacks and i was just looking around minding my own business and i at the corner of my eye i see alan and alex entering the movie theater.i put my hair down so they wouldn't notice who i am.
me and eddie are 15 mins in watching the movie and he gently grabs my thigh.then i realize alan and alex are walking in sitting infront of us.

the movie ended and he was going to go drop me off  but when we were heading out alan and alex where too."y/n is that you?" alex said.alan looked up at me and smiled."um yea lol" i said."who tf is that" alan said."im her bsf who are y'all" eddie said.i stand in silence looking at the ground."y/n how could u bro" alex said."alex im sorry but i haven't seen him in years tho he's also my friend too tho i can have more friends you do know that right?" i said."y/n u can have more friends but yk i like you  i saw what he did to you grabbing ur thigh n shi" he said.i felt so bad."alan shes mine i love her and you took her away from me" alex said.i was shocked."y/n i gtg i'll see u around?" eddie said."maybe bye eddie" i said.eddie left and it was just me alex and alan left standing around by alan's car."did the making out mean nothing to you y/n?" alan asked sounding sad." no no it did mean a lot to me im so-" i said but alex cut me off."wow so y'all did that and what about the flowers y/n what about that lab experiment we did together that meant nothing huh?" alex said."yo wth" alan said."guys im sorry i didn't wanna hurt you guys that's why i let everything happen please can we just talk this out" i said guilty."alr but we doing the talking in the car"

we were talking for almost an hour and we talked it out but there was something alan asked that made me rethink my life.i want to answer in the nicest way possible not hurting the other person but i'll hurt them anyways."y/n to settle this you need to choose." alan said."me or alan" alex said."we wont be mad with who you choose we want to know to settle this because we both love you a lot this wont ruin the friendship of nobody but we both like you and we know you like one of us. alan said."alan's right we wont be mad,we'll be a bit disappointed depending on who u choose but the decision you make will make you happy.aslong as you are happy,we're happy" alex said.i wanted to choose alan because me and him got so close all these years he's like a brother to me.even more than that tbh.i feel bad for alex but he has been with many girls and i don't want to get hurt by alex or even alan.but i love the flowers he gave me he is a great friend but i feel like i would get hurt easily so in this case,i should choose alan."i'll choose alan.alex don't get this in the wrong way i still love u as a friend but u would go party with girls a lot and i don't wanna ruin the friendship i'm sorry" i said.alan had a big smile on his face." its alr i understand dw y/n i love you too as a friend lmao congrats tho" he said with a smile.i smile at booth of them and alan drops off alex at his house and we go over to my house so me and him can hang out and do the yk😉.

i felt so bad making this chapter 😭 creds to beatricelmao  and Hearts4Maddyyyyy for helping me out with the chapter 🫶🏼

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