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Live pov:
"ty for the galaxy-" y/n said."hey mamas"alan said."what do you want"she asked annoyed."what would you do if i took you on a nice date?on a picnic we're sitting on the grass,we eat sandwiches,and after we go to the movies,we watch a movie and right after i buy you flowers and then i get you a birkin,and we go to sleep,we wake up go to the beach,we go on a mountain,we stare into the sun,look at the cities,and then i have my arms around you and we're just staring off of the sun laughing." he said smiling.y/n sighs"that sounds like the longest date ever" she said."oh,it's gonna be the funnest date ever " he said."um doesn't sound like fun to me" she said.
End of flashback
(real ones know that this is what
alan said that one time him and adolla went live😛)
y/n pov:
"remember that one time we went live,i was telling you we would go on a picnic and everything?" alan asked."yea i said it didnt sound like fun"i said laughing."well do you still wan to go?" he asked."ofc i want to go amor" i said placing a my hand on his cheek  and a big smiled appeared on his face.i look at his eyes and i admire how pretty they look and handsome he is in general."u like what you see huh?" he said laughing."yea a lot" i said smiling."well today we are going to recreate everything i told you mamas" he said."im excited bae" i told him."me too mamas" he said.

he was fixing his curly hair in the bathroom while i was doing my makeup.he wraps his arms around and he kisses my neck."mi bella hermosa te amo mi amor" he whispered in my ear.i blushed and smiled. i was watching him in the mirror and he smiled and watched me do my makeup."mamas you don't need makeup you're already so pretty"he said softly."thank you amor but i dont thi just got used it yk?" i told him."okay mamas i understand he said and he kissed me."i'll be in the living room okay ma?" he said and he gently squeezed my ass and walked out.

i finished my makeup and i did my hair and since it's really hot outside i want to where a flowery dress since we are going to a park filled with flowers and that barely anyone goes to.

you can choose whatever you want i'm choosing this⬇️

you can choose whatever you want i'm choosing this⬇️

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this looks mid but wtv lmao😭

i put on some cute sandals that match I go downstairs and alan was on his phone."damn mamas you look extra fine today" he said getting up approaching me"where's the basket?"i asked and i thought he was still in the living room but once i turned around alan was just a couple inches away from me making me jump."jesus alan you scared me" i said."sorry mamas u look pretty when someone scares you and the basket is in the fridge with everything in it" he said.i laughed and i walk over to the fridge.he slaps my ass and he starts grinding me making me slightly moan.i grab the basket and i walk away and alan just stared at me.he clears his throat."what?" i said."wow so u just walk away without giving me a kiss it's cool it's cooool" he said walking to the door."wait no i'm sorryy" i said and i kissed him and wrapped his arms around me and he kissed me back."now let's go amor" he said

we arrived to the park and we set our things down and we ate sandwiches and we were talking for about two hours."mamas look at the flowers" he said pointing at them."oooo" i said and i get up and fixed my dress and i go to the flowers and just stare at them.i felt a pair of arms around me and it was alan."u blend in with flowers baby.u smell like one too."he said and he kissed my neck."look at the sunflowers"i said and i run  over to them.alan laughs and he goes after me."you look like a little kid running around looking at the flowers" he said."i feel like a little kid i love flowers sm" i said.i grab a dandelion and i put it on his head."y/nn my hairr" he said.i run away and he runs after me i trip on a stick and alan falls with me but alan lands on top of me.he lifts himself up but im still underneath him.we lock eyes and he kissed me.i placed my hands on his cheeks and i kissed him back.he gets up and he helps me up."you okay mamas?" he said wiping of the grass of him and my dress."yea im fine you?" i said."yea im fine wanna go to the movies i wanna watch a movie" he said"okay bae let's go" i said.

we pick up everything and we go to the was 4 pm and the movie was going to end at 5:30.we arrive to the movies and we buy popcorn and candy.we sat down next to eachother and we watch la llorona.there was a jump scare and since the room was full i had to grab alan's arm tight to not get scared."mamas u good"he whispered."um a little" i said."its okay im right here with you if you want to leave lmk the movie is gonna end soon mi amor" he whispers."mhm" i hummed and we continued watching the movie.

the movie finished and we left the theater it was around 6."you liked the movie mamas?" he said while driving."ye i liked it but it was a little scary ngl." i said."oh ik it's obvious he said looking at his arm with some scratch marks."sorryyy" i said."its alr mamas dw." he said and he gently squeezed my thigh."fuck i took the wrong turn now we in traffic" he said.

after 1 hr of traffic*

"finally it's abt time we get out of fucking traffic" he said."where we going now?"i asked."we're going to the mall" he said."oki" i said looking at my sandals."ur really cute ma yk that?" he said."tyy" i said blushing.we get to the mall and it wasn't really full because it was almost night.i followed alan the whole time not paying attention where we were going.we go inside a store and he stops me."mamas i need you to wait a outside for a moment" he said."what for?" i asked."you'll see" he said and he walked the meantime i was taking pics with fans i was just scrolling on my phone.after 15 mins came out of the store."what took you so long bro.....oooo" i said looking at a bouquet of flowers he was holding."you like it mamas?" he asked looking at me."ofc i like it" i said taking over the flowers."cmon follow me ma" he said holding my hand.

we go inside a birkins store."alan what are we doing here?" i said."amor isn't it obvi to get you a bag" he said smiling."alan your doing a lot dont you think? i appreciate you a lot amor but you spoiling me to much" i said."babe just wait till tomorrow it's going to be even better now cmon amor pleasee pick out any bag and i'll get it for u mamas" he said.he convinced me and he bought me the bag i was 9 pm so we decided to go home.

we get home and we're exhausted."today was so fun i can't wait for tomorrow" i said."see i told youu it would be the funnest date ever" he said.i laugh and we get ready for bed.i lay on top of him and he wraps his arms around me and kissed my head and we fell asleep.

stay tuned for pt 2 and srry for any misspellings or wording in any of these chapters including this one 😭

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