First day

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Call pov:
"broo i wanna go back to cali i dont wanna be in az" i said to amanda whining over the phone."girl ikk it sucks but atleast you get to see alex and be with ur other friend right?" she said.

"yea but in cali it was so much more better i only know 2 people there"i said complaining."it's better than nothing right"she said laughing."girl idk what u gonna do but i gotta go to bed for school" she continues.

"ughh okayyy bye amanda i'll tell u any chisme there is tmr bye pendeja" i said blowing a kiss at her."bye perra" she said waving and hung up.

end of call pov
9 hrs later*

i woke up to alex calling me.
"y/n class starts in 1 hr u better be up in picking u up in 45 mins" alex said."BRO WHAT THE FUCK ITS 6:25" i said in shock."school is different in az dumbass now go get ready" he said and he hung up.
i quickly got up and changed.

i brushed my hair and add a bit of product and did some makeup bc whats the point if the school air is going to make it disappear smh

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i brushed my hair and add a bit of product and did some makeup bc whats the point if the school air is going to make it disappear smh.

40 mins later*

i was all ready i unplug my phone from the charger and went downstairs and saw my mom getting my lil sis ready for school."hey mija te deje una banana si quieres para que no andas hambre en clase" she said."okay gracias ma" i said and i made sure to tell her alex was picking me up and i went out the door realizing alex was waiting for me.

i got in the car and gave him a disgusted look."what u looking at" he said."ur ugly ass" i said laughing."anywho i want u to meet my friend alan yall would seem like a good couple ngl so i want u to meet him" he said.

"is he hispanic?is he my type?does he have good style?" i asked."yea pretty much" he said and i got excited.

we got into the school and i went to homeroom.i felt a tap on my shoulder and when i turned i noticed a tall,pretty brown eyes,thin mustache plus a goatee,amazing style and fine guy infront of me."heyy are you y/n?" he asked smiling.gosh his smile is so pretty."yea are you alan?" i asked him.

"yea alex told me about you you're very beautiful" he said getting a bit closer to me."thank youu you're pretty handsome yourself" i said smiling and the bell rang."what do you have 1st period?" he asked."oh i have english you?"i asked."me too let's go" he said signaling me to hold his hand.

"dw ma ik where it is" he said as he was walking infront of me.i smiled and felt my cheeks turning red.
we got to 1st period and alex was waiting there."yall met already? damn y/n why you're cheeks so red" alex asked."cállate puto" i said.alan laughed and alex got serious.i laughed and we went along with our day.

it was the end of the day and as i was walking out i felt like someone was running behind me but i ignored it and i felt someone pulling my arm back."y/n wanna go watch a movie with me?" alan said running out of breath"yea sure" i said trying not to laugh.he gives me a side eye and i stop laughing.we get to the movie theater and we decided to watch a horror movie.i sat next to alan and he had the popcorn.

i thought i took a piece of popcorn which was actually his finger and i accidentally bit it"ow y/n wth" he said."i thought ur finger was the popcorn i didn't pay attention im so sorry😃" i said.he laughed and a scary movie scene came on.i jumped up a bit and grabbed his arm tightly and didn't let go.eventually i fell asleep and didn't realize until alan woke me up after the movie ended."y/n wake up let's go to my house" he said waking me up."hm?okay" i said rubbing my eyes and we left.

we get to his house and opens the door for me."why thank you" i said going in the house.i followed him to his room and i sat on his bed."hispanic?" he asked."yea" i said."you do tiktok if u do how many followers? he asked."1.1 mil😭" i responded."damn"."you go live?" he asked."yea with like adolla,alex,jesus yk" i said."alr thats all i got" he said."damn ma u pretty" he said smiling.

i blushed and looked down."ey look at me when i talk to you mamas" he said.i looked up at him and catches him looking at me."good girl" he said.hey sat down next to me and i asked him questions and he answered.eventually there was awkward silence.

i decided to do something random to catch his attention so i put my leg on his lap."damn ma u getting comfortable with me huh" he said smiling.i just smiled and he put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.he kisses many cheek and i felt myself blushing.

i sat on his lap facing him and he gently squeezed my ass and i wrapped my arms around his neck.we locked eyes for 2 mins before anyone said anything."hermosa" he whispered and i kissed him.i quickly pulled away in shock and he smirked and kissed me back.we were kissing for 15 seconds straight without gasping for air.

i fixed my posture and gave him kisses on his neck and left hickeys on his neck."damn ma" he said.i felt his erection and he was trying to grind in me.i let out a soft moan and his hands were roaming all over my body making me want him even more.i was about to kiss him until i heard my phone ringing.i got off his lap and picked up the call."hello?" i said."y/n donde estas"it was my mom.

"estoy saliendo la casa de mi amigo porque?"i said picking up my backpack."solo estaba preguntando regresa pronto" she said and hung up."alan take me home rn i'll give u the address i told my mom i was leaving ur house hurry up and take me home" i said quickly leaving his room."damnn ma alr" he said and he grabbed his keys.

i gave him the address and he took me home."bye mamas cya at school tomorrow" he said leaning in for a kiss.i kissed him and he kissed back."bye alan cya" i said smiling and went inside.

i js realized i tagged the wrong person and i forgot to add to the chapter im slow and stupid asf😭
creds to Na__mi for giving me the idea!

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