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"Schizophrenia??? What????" Everyone was shocked to hear a word which feel scary to them one in this room knows what Jennie going to explain...

Jennie took a deep breath before starting to explain...

" in simple words.....Schizophrenia is a disorder which affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly....patient may seem like they have lost touch with reality, which can be distressing for them and for their family and friends...the participation in their daily life activities will also change..they will try to hide themselves from the world...." Jennie looked around to see more confused faces now...

" but can jungkook be a Schizophrenia patient.....what are the causes of this disease " suga asked.

" The exact cause of schizophrenia isn't known, but a combination of genetics, environment and altered brain damage can lead to this disease.....can you remember anything that caused jungkook a brain damage in past uncle " Jennie questioned jeon couple....

Suga looked at hobi ...thinking about something...hobi nodded his head...

" when jungkook was about to the time of my 9th month of pregnancy...we had a car belly got hit and I was unconscious...and that time I gave birth to Jungkook...but then doctors said he was perfectly fine..." hobi remembered the hurtful past...

Everyone in the room looking at Jennie...they all wanted to know the cause and remedy of this situation..

" may be then he was fine but now his brain started to show symptoms....did ever jungkook used to being alone or lock himself?"

" He used to be introvert and mostly calm...he don't have many  friends in his teenage...but after meeting Taehyung...he started to open up and going out.."

" he had that symptoms from teenage....but now from what you said he behaving from last week...I think something triggered his brain cells...something traumatic?? do anyone know something like that" Jennie asked and everyone turned thier attention to Taehyung when he nodded his head...

Taehyung explained the incident happened infront of airports at the day of his departure....everyone was shocked to hear that because Taehyung and jungkook hide this from them...Jennie calculate the possibilities of Jungkook getting traumatized by that act and his brain cells started to pressurize him...and he started to behave differently from his nature....

After a silence of couple of minutes...Taehyung asked..

" Jennie....what's the treatment for this...we are willing to do everything for him...just tell us what to do...should we shift him to some big hospital with specialist...or we have to take him abroad for treatment " Taehyung was broken....he was broken by seeing his love in this situation....he don't know what he is asking....he just want his koo and sound...

" Tae...please calm down...I am not only your sister but also a doctor too...I have to tell you truth...and the truth is..there is no actual treatment or medication for this disease in science.....only we can do is observing his symptoms and act according to it...we can only give him medicine which help him to being concentrated and healthy...."

The answer made everyone sad...they don't know how thier cute and energetic bunny is ended up in this situation...

" what's his symptoms now Jennie " Namjoon asked....others are not in a state of mind to ask anything logical... hobi and jin crying...suga is also broken but he is trying to calm his husband...

And Taehyung...he lost everything...he even forgot how to breath....his body becoming limp...he don't know what's happening around him....he don't know what's more bad can happen in his life...his jungkook...his love is going through a major disease..and he can't help him with anything..... only if he know what's coming...

IN THE NAME OF LOVE ❣( TAEKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now