give up..

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Jungkook glared at the door in his room when he heard the continuous knocking on it...he knows who is here in morning to disturb his sleep...

" because of you dad slapped me you have the courage to come here in morning " jungkook mumbled..going towards the door...

" why are you--- appa...." jungkook halted  in his words when he saw his appa standing there with a cup of coffee....he was expecting someone else.....

Hobi didn't said anything..he just put the mug on jungkook's hand and walk out from there...younger came back in his room the coffee mug in side table...

' they are still avoiding me.. I have to apologize to them..if they want I will apologize to Taehyung too..' jungkook thought and went to washroom to get fresh...

Time skips...

It's evening....the whole day passed but no one talked to jungkook....younger was tailing behind hobi ..saying sorry for hundred times..but hobi still ignored him...he didn't saw his dad...and more than that ..he didn't saw Taehyung....

Now jungkook was standing outside the door of Taehyung's room...debating ...he should go in or not...finally he decided...he knocked but didn't get any answer so he opened the door and get in side....

The room was clean like no one stayed there whole these month....bed was perfectly cleaned...everything was on its place...

" did he went back to his home...there is no clothes in wardrobe too" jungkook checked the cupboard and find it empty..... jungkook came back to living room realizing elder is not in his home ...

When jungkook came back to living room..he saw his dad sitting on couch..he went towards him..

" dad...please forgive me...I said all this in frustration...please...if you want I will apologize to Taehyung too..." jungkook said...yoongi looked at his son...his eyes don't have any emotion...

" you don't have to do anything jungkook....the damage is you can't fix it....your mere apology not gonna fix you are free from don't have to go on stupid dates with can do whatever you want......." yoongi said walking towards his room...jungkook stood there confused...

" I am free???...what dad means by saying this...did Taehyung give up on me..." jungkook mumbled...he looked around to see hobi walking towards the room where yoongi went....

" what happened there??" Hobi asked when he saw yoongi looking at the photoframe of jungkook and Taehyung in thier room...

" our son lost the gem hobi...he lost it..."....

Some time before...

Kim company..

Ceo office..

The door knocking sound heard in the room...2  person entered in without waiting for permission...

" appa.. ..what are you doing here.... I thought I told jimin that I will handle everything here from don't have to stress ok.." Taehyung said...arranging the papers on his desk...he saw the other person too but he didn't have courage to make an eye contact ...

" tae..." yoongi called him softly...Taehyung stopped what he was doing....he took a deep breath before looking at yoongi...

" are here too...sorry I didn't saw you..actually I have an important meeting in 10 minutes so I was in hurry..." Tae said tried to avoid facing yoongi...

Yoongi walked towards him ..he put his hands on his shoulder..tae turned...his eyes started to fill with tears when he saw the sympathy look on yoongi eyes.....yoongi hugged him tightly..

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