Considerably early

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With a quick glance at the clock beside her unmade bed, Esther knew it was not going to be a pleasant school day. For starters, she was terribly late for school by an hour. She could picture her ruthless Math teacher, who just happened to be on duty that week, evilly grinning from ear to ear like a clown featured in a horror movie, and the pain of the considerably chosen cane landing on her soft hands with whipping sounds, leaving her palms pink and throbbing in unbearable pain. This imagination was enough to give her the much needed strength and energy to run from one corner of the house to another, on an empty stomach, trying to get ready for the first day of school; after the Christmas holiday break. Her asthmatic condition started acting up as she ran out of breath, with sweat trickling down her morning face and her eyes tearing up with apprehension.

With one sock on, unkempt hair and hope of arriving at school before the end of the morning prep, Esther hopped on her rusty bike and peddled as fast as she could along the three-kilometre path to the "children's prison", as she preferred to call it. Not even her asthma could get in the way of the determination she had of avoiding the extremely harrowing experience of running into her Math teacher, Madam Magembo. She had already come up with strategies and maneuvers to luckily make it to class without being noticed by anyone; not even the always vigilant security guard. She had it all strategically laid out in her devious brain. Esther felt confident that her plan could work. Without anybody to depend on for help, she psyched herself up while trying to shake off the flashing images of Madam Magembo grinning with satisfaction of finding an early morning opportunity to inflict pain and torture on yet another child.

As a result of watching so many spy related films, she childishly believed that she had mastered the stealth of a ninja, as she cautiously tried to tip toe after successfully managing to sneak in through the main gate without being spotted by their grumpy old guard. Till date, she never understood why the school management wouldn't hire a young capable guard.

"What could an old man possibly do if the school is attacked?"
She asked the very same pertinent question every time that subject was brought up during the lunch break chit-chat with her friends.

The adrenaline rush in her veins was getting the best of her and her heart was pounding so abnormally fast and loud, she was afraid somebody would actually hear it in the empty echoing corridors. She was so occupied with safely getting to class that she failed even notice that the school was unusually silent; too silent. Not even the sound of the guards or the teachers on duty stamping through the corridors trying to catch an unfortunate student could be heard.

Just after arriving at her class did she realize why her mission was surprisingly easy. There wasn't anybody in class; in the whole school for a matter of fact; just some chirping crickets which, at the moment, seemed to find pleasure in annoying the absolutely flabbergasted girl. Had she missed something or was her mind playing tricks on her?

"What are you doing in school young lady? Can I help you with something?" a familiar voice asked, as she turned around to see the school caretaker in her uniform and dirty apron standing in the doorway, curiosity written all over her face.

"I'm sorry, but I seem to be mistaken. Isn't today opening day? Why is no one here?"
Esther asked in her confused breaking voice.

The caretaker had always been known for her calm and silent personality. Never had Esther heard her laugh so hard in all the years she had known her; as she pulled out one of the students' chairs to sit and try to catch her breath.

"Young lady, classes will resume on Wednesday. Since when has school commenced on a weekend?"

WHAT! How could she have gotten the dates so mixed-up? She had been so busy the entire holiday, unlike most kids her age, doing part time jobs and running other people's errands, she completely lost track of the days. Even with an utterly surprised but, somehow, humiliated expression, Esther was secretly pleased that she didn't have to live through the 'Madam Magembo episode', and she had three more days before school officially opened.

Despite her slight relief of not beginning her last high school year on a bad start, Esther felt terrible for making so much effort just to end up embarrassing herself in front of the school caretaker. She slowly rode her bike back home praying that word would not get out about her mortifying incident.

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