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Like many kelas malam you could ever experience, it's boring , per usual. Still can't believe aku dicampak masuk kelas paling last (shauqi) in my first year masuk sekolah, like wadaf*q did I do wrong?? 


Surely im not that stupid, either must be error somewhere atau soalan saringan exam tu yang nonsense. Either way, welp here I am. Of course, being the last class student is the most torture thing aku kena hadap sebab satu kelas tu consist of member bully , jackass and less nicer-ish to which aku really not too fond of these bitches like these. At least thats how that say goes " just sebab its first year ko, mana boleh judge orang quickly. Mane tahu that person jadi bestie/love life ko ye idok?", but nahh aku disagree. Nope , nuh uh, all these mfs can go screw themselves for making my first year form 1 like a hell. Dahlah ni period aku homesick pulak tu hukhurrr...

Anyway , to said there is brighter side toward everything is well... oke la i supposed. Hence me with my usual doodle drawing hobby for mini comic aku tengah work on semasa kelas malam tu. I know teacher suruh use this opportunity untuk study , bace chapter baru blah blah but ehhh to hell I care with that. Plus, aku nak buat something to take my mind off from my currently *male classmate* aka these c*bai-s yang asyik pranking aku every 20 min (mean prank i'll tell ya). sighhh

"ko lukis ape tu?" huh. Who the feukk? . Far as aku remember, aku only talk to few people and kelas diorang bukan dekat blok ni. And so aku angkat muka aku from my doodle book aku to get better view of these uhhh, strangers i guess . Yes strangers as in plural sebab mamat ni tegur aku (as meja aku dekat ngan pintu kelas,i supposed dia notice la tu doodle aku) with his two member dia kat belakang. "Uhhh yeah?" aku balas. Well, if this not akward enough being seen by these people yang aku tak kenal.

Then member kat sebelah kanan belakang dia (being bold as he is ) step foward and peering kat doodle aku to which suprised me a bit. This person yang first tegur aku sambung "sorry nampak ko doodle sorang kat depan. Aku Zeif(Fake name obviously, same as the next name aku kan bagi kat member dia next), ni *merujuk kat member belakang sebelah kiri dia yang tengah bersandar kat koridor luar dengan pose tangan melipat ke dada dia* Horror(fake name lmao), dan yang tu *merujuk to this dude yang peering doodle aku* Zeri. Kitorang jiran sebelah kelas ko."

Jiran? 2 Shauqi? ohh, form 2. Uhh seniors then. At least mase tu konsep seniority as aku mention before tak berputik dalam kepala aku lagi. That and, diorang dekat je umur ngan aku obviously, albeit aku sopan kan diri aku and just respon "ahhh jiran..." ... yeah , Akward sheeshhh. But hey, i could do worse.

Meanwhile this mamat yang tengah inspect doodle aku finally bersuara "hngg, oke-la. Even huduh sikit pun." Excuse me, what the- " Hooo lah Zeri . Mugonyo mu hok biso lukih tu gak boleh la oyak" the man belakang Zeif interject. Horror wasn't it? He look...hmm well cool kot, if not for his imposing bak nya cam nak bully someone (foreshadowing maybe..?)

"Sorri, aku raso Zeri dok maksudkey gitu untuk ngutuk mung. Tapi yeah, dio pun lukih kartun jugok. Komik, mung tahu. Aku pulok reader no. 1 dio lol. Tu hok aku 'ter'hendap tengok mung lukis. Habit kut.." kata Zeif. Huh. For someone form 2, they sure ade banyak masa lapang. Too much masa lapang if u will hmmm

"Its cuma hobi.  Plus , ni bukan style lukisan aku pun. Just rembat style lukisan from someone dari sekolah lama aku" aku memberitahu diorang. Its not like aku embarrassed pun, nor insulted. Just hmm, whatever i supposed... "Din, tu nama aku...sorry janggal sikit. Hope kelas aku tak bising sangat" kataku. Lalu Horror menjawab "naahh, bukey first time sep kito dealt dengan kelas bising pun. Maklumla, skoloh ni duo blok jah pun". "2 blok ngan satu ground floor kat hujung depey maksud mu" sambung Zeri. "Meh, aku kadey dok ingat blok tu wujud. Aku raso semuo ore pun" balas Horror lagi.

Yes this sekolah could not be more than compact as it is. Terrible idea really.  Especially yang banyak bertukaran kelas would be us kat blok B floor 2 ni sebab satu row 9 kelas ni biasanya guna untuk dewan final exam. The only dewan final exam kat sekolah ni. Mhmmm

"Since sep mung form 1 lagi, kelas maley tok start lagi pun dok? Sep aku duk lepok jah luar ni nunggu supposed teacher hok keno mari" kata Zeif kemudiannya. "oh, kelas maley, rajinnyo nok buat eeuhh" kataku, partiallysarcastic because well.. kelas. "*chuckle* Tu la Smk untuk mung, study keno up doh, kalu dok cikgu koho pressure mung sapa patoh tuley (personafically speaking mhmm)" kata Horror. "which remind kito, skare pukul 9.15 doh ni. Nok sapa doh tu teacher aku sero" kata Zeri pula. "Mmm, weyh, sep aku masuk dulu. Nanti kalu jupo sep aku tegur2 la sikit deh. Bye" kata Zeif sebelum dia , Horror dan Zeri masuk kelas sebelah diorang. There they go. The first time someone(s) approach me and before aku realize new friendship blossomed (unfortunately).

Tapi ni baru permualaan tahun aku, there's more people out there yang aku akan discover nature diorang. Foe or friends? Who knows..

-part 1 end-

 Hihi enkowrangg, anyway, update is hereee~ Author macam slacking  sikit albeit last minit lmao. Sem 3 ongoing so memang tak nya author will be productive. Tapi rajin2 la check "logs" tu. Subject tu changes semua author record situ. Pesanan untuk diri sendiri, CURI ARTS STYLE ORANG IS BAD AND SHOULD NEVER PRACTICES, hence kalu tak author educate pasal artwork ni , maybe author dah tak tulis novel and pursue jadi pelukis comic with artsyle yang author rembat lmaoo. Hopefully engkorang have nice day!

Vote and comment, till next time~


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