chapter 3

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It's a Wednesday
A period after gym
I'm in my the girls locker room stuck with no clothes...thanks to Lisa

I don't get her obsession with making my life miserable......
Yeah I know I'm a wolf I should be used to others seeing me naked well I am but the school has a no nudes policy and that bitch knew about it

Luckily I always come prepared
You see I'm into building stuffs..... infact I want to be an engineer.... probably civil...... definitely because of this....interest I tend to customize my things and I'm so happy that I did ...I slammed my locker shut then I pulled it down revealing a hole in there
Me slamming it shut is actually the key to opening it
In there I saw an oversized hoodie my dad gave me one Christmas and a spare flats ..... that should be okay
I quickly put on my outfit and then made my way outside
I know that sound .......I turn to my left to see a scrawny looking kid.... definitely an omega with a camera in his hands
"Shit" he said when he saw me with clothes on .....he quickly turned around running away I probably should catch him....well yh I did
I grabbed him by his collar slamming his head into a nearby locker

"Lisa sent you right"
"I'm so sorry I-I didn't want to do it s-she said she'll leave me alone if I did it I'm so sorry"
He stammered
"Give me the camera"
"Don't make me repeat my self "
I said in a dark tone
He quickly released the camera into my hands
I turned it on to see the picture he took of me
Damn I looked hot....wait...why did you think I chased delete the picture.....naaaa...infact
"Take another picture of me "
I tell the boy releasing him
This kid is starting to annoy me
"Did I stutter"
"No-no sorry"
I stepped back spreading my legs apart putting a hand on my jaw like I was thinking tilting my head to my side with my other hand wrapped around my waste
He took a shot
And another one
And another one
And another one
" I in heaven cos I know I just saw an angel"
I turned to the direction of the voice to see a boy with black curly hair and grey eyes...asin the grey before a storm hits hard kinda grey
He had asian features meaning he was a mix
He had on a white shirt,black slacks and a black cap with white shoes that screamed money

I turned to the boy with the camera
"Tell Lisa to give me back my school bag and oh...scram"
"And she has the authoritative power of a Greek god today is my lucky day"
By this time he was Infront of me
"Hi I'm Kenji .....I'm new here do u mind taking me to the admin office.....I kinda just got to school now"
He says with a slight blush
For someone who looks badass he sure doesn't act like one
"I know I know I look badass and stuff but I'm not trust me it's just the looks nothing else"
"What makes you think I saw you as a bad boy"
"Well every body thinks that"
"That must suck "
I get what it feels like to be stereotyped by people
"So......"he began and I cocked a brow "Wanna show me around"
I'm already late for class so I guess I could
And I regretted it 5minutes later
This boy is veeeryyyyy annoying like wtf bro shut the hell up
"You must think that I'm a talkative and I'm sorry for that I just hate awkward silences it makes me uncomfortable"he apologizes with a small smile which was cute by the way
I smiled back
"So I hope you don't mind buh why are you dressed like that"
"Someone played a prank on me "
"You probably should report or something like that"
"na I can handle it"I smiled
""he immediately smiled getting all excited"I can help you"
"Chill bruh I got this"
"So whatcha gonna do "
"I'll never tell"I smiled "just know that paybacks a bitch"
After two more minutes of walking we were at the principals office ....finally
"okay this is the principal's office just walk in and his secretary will get you settled in okay"
"Kay thanks"he beamed ....urghh too bright
I waved turning around ready to walk away when something in the trash can caught my interest.i walked to it pulling out my bag

I'm gonna kill that bitch get ready guys

¥¥¥the next day¥¥¥¥
Thursday...the day that makes me feel happy cos the next day is Friday and angry too cos it's my busiest day
Buh nonetheless today's gonna be fun cos I played a prank on Lisa yesterday....guess what I did ??
Okay I'll tell u
I put a green coloured dye in her bathing she looks like the monster that she is and yes it's currently lunch....why cos the morning is boring it just reminds you of the fact that you still have a long way to go before the day is over
The afternoons remind you that you're halfway through
My logic
Now back to the matter at hand
Lisa and her ogre body
I know she'll be here any minute from now
Someone says sitting on the chair Infront of me
I look up to see Kenji.i hummed going back to staring at my food like it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen
"Heeeeeeyyyyyyyyy"Kenji repeats poking my forehead making me annoyed
"Okay listen up buddy"I start pointing the jagged edge of my fork at him"do that one more time and this fork will be sitting comfortably in your throat.....not a threat tho imma actually do it"
"You're Soo mean sweater girl "he pouts arms folded
Did he...oh my gosh he just....he's so dead now.i quickly throw the fork like a knife in his direction but he swiftly caught it
"Woah there tiger no need for violence"
I rolled my eyes
"By the way what did I do"
I looked him dead in the eyes
" My name isn't sweater's Darlene "
He smirks and I realized I fucked up
"Heyyyyy durhling "
"Don't make me choke you"
I say
"Hmmm.... feisty me likey"
Before I could reply Lisa shows up....just great
"Smith care to explain why I'm green"
She asks with an angry look
I smirked
"I wish I could but I can't sorry"
"Was she the one who stole your clothes"
Kenji asked pointing at Lisa.
I nodded
"Woah ..thank you very much because of you I got to see a very wonderful specimen on full display"
Is this guy normal?
Then Lisa this girl Normal any body normal in this world?
"Ah...I see you've gotten your self a toy"
She then turns to me
"I always knew you were a whore smith"
Seriously why this lame insult
"Well I'm so glad all that dye didn't get into your eyes and you're able to recognize your kind"I smile
"Daaaamnnnn mama I'm falling for you all over again"
Kenji said and I gave him a look that says 'shut up or I'll help you do it in the most painful way ever '
He makes a motion of zipping his mouth
Much better
"You know what durhling....I think all the loneliness has finally gotten into your head and it's probably killing you slowly that's why you are a runt "
"Far from the truth but let's go with that"I rolled my eyes
"And now you're trying to let go of the loneliness so you decided to leech off this dude buh lemme tell you something you'll always be a'll always be a burden on anyone you're with....and slowly you'll drive everyone around you mad just like you did to your dad"
I was literally seething with anger
How dare she say that
I tell her
Seriously I will she just crossed every damn line who the hell does she think she is
Lisa smirked seeing that she had gotten under my skin
" you killed your mom"
And I totally lost it
I lunged at her ready to rip her throat.yes her throat I'm going straight for the kill
And I don't think the world will miss one bitch....or three......cos I might go for her friends later

Before I could touch her I felt a strong pair of arms around me pulling me flush into their chest
This isn't Kenji.....I know his smell this smells like.....

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