chapter 4

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Sorry it's kinda late

Chapter 4
Today being a Saturday
They... emphasis on they..... decided to go out to celebrate their... emphasis on their...... Three weeks friendship and guess who has to go with them
This girl
They decided that the best place to go to was Disneyland
How cute if I must say....note the sarcasm

I actually don't care if they decide to take me to mars or Pluto
But my anger is the fact that they made me wake up by 4 to get on a stupid plane to California
You know what scratch that
The new fuel to my anger is this hyperactive 18 year old by the name of Kenji that won't stop yelling next to me
We were currently outside of his apartment waiting for the others to come pick us up
"Okay ken if you don't shut the hell up right now I swear on everything I consider good that I'm gonna friggin sew your mouth shut and trust me I've taken lessons on it"
This shut him up real good
I turn to see a sulking Kenji
"Where are the others by the way"
I ask him
........ silence........
What is this dude a 4 year old
"You can talk now"
"You're creepy Darlene....if you keep this up you'll never have friends"
"Preach on preacher"
I scoffed
"Well cos I love you I'm gonna be your friend no matter what happens"he says enveloping me in a really tight hug that leaves me gasping for breath when he lets go of me
"Now cheer up Darlene you're finally getting the opportunity you need to be with your love"he smiles and I freeze turning beet red
No one knows I have a crush on Mika
I mean I'm very subtle about it
The only person who knows is  Lisa and that's the main reason why she hates me
"W-w-w-w-whaaaaaaaaat" I scoffed "that's not possible you must be delusional to think I love Mika"
"Shhhhh.....don't lie"
I sigh
"Okay yeah I like him so"
I say looking at him and guess what bro had this satisfied look on his face
I wanna punch him so bad
"Don't worry your secret is safe with me" he winks
This made me smile
It's nice to know someone has got your back
"Thanks ken"I say
"You're welcome b'he gives me a side hug"so why haven't you told him yet"
"One word Lisa"
"Urghhh that bitch" now I get why we're friends"why's she with him I mean they aren't even perfect for each other yes they might look like it on the outside but I can tell that they aren't on the inside"
"I guess we'll have to wait on till his birthday to find out'thank goodness the both parties must not be of age to find out if they're mates
"Why do u want us to be together tho"
I ask him
"Cos duh you both have matching energies"he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world
"Don't start acting smart with me "I narrow my eyes at him
"I'm not besides the popular boy usually starts off dating the popular girl then he falls for the least popular girl "
"Delete your Wattpad account "
I tell him that stuff is not good for his health buy then he is correct *sigh*but what If that's not how my story is supposed to be
I would give literally anything to be with him for a day
"Well u can"
"I said you can"Kenji looks at me
"Did I......say that out loud"
"Yes I can happen"he says with a determined look
"No Kenji don't you-"
"Don't you trust me "he asks
Well no"yes"
"Then let me handle it you just be you and I'll do what needs to be done deal"
No deal this might go wrong but"deal"
Suddenly a  minivan parks in front of us
"I am so sorry we're late"
Mika says opening the minivan door
"Well you better be "one of Lisa's friend says
"What took you guys so long"
Kenji asks them going to the car with me  behind
"Well"Mika goes "I forgot to pack my things yesterday so I kinda had to do it this morning when Claude came to get me"okay who's Claude probably the driver"and then we picked up everybody before making our way here  " now his apology kinda makes sense
"I still don't get why she has to come"
One of Lisa's friend says
"Kourtney behave"one of Mika's friend says
"Yeah Kourtney"Kenji gives her a stern look making me chuckle.sometimes I feel he is a big teddy bear but then he does things like this and I feel he's a cute puppy
"Now move Mika you're blocking the path" he says waving Mika to the side leaving me with his duffel bag
Okay what does he take me as
You know what I did I aimed the bag at his head so when he took one step in he went down with his bag
I dust off  imaginary dirt from my hand stepping over him
"Thanks Darlene" he says getting up and I smile  turning to look for a sit.That's when I noticed the number
Okay what the fudge cake
Okay so we were eight
All the seats were occupied
Well not all two seats at the back were free I guess for Mika and I ....I meant Kenji yeah.....let's go with Kenji
I hate the crowd for real but I'm glad I got the back seat
I made my way there ignoring all the hateful  glares I got from Lisa and her minion
Kenji makes his way to Lisa's side sitting down like he owns the place
"Uh dude that's my seat" Mika says
"Yeah dude get up"Lisa tells him
"What no" he says resting his head on Lisa's shoulder
"And that's my girlfriend" Mika says
"Can I stay here I feel sleepy and her shoulder's perfect"
He says yawning and I roll my eyes
Lisa pushes him off but he doesn't even budge
"Go stay with Darlene"she says
This makes him jump up
"What!! No way" okay ouch I thought we were friends"she'll kill me didn't you see the way she threw my bag at me!"
Okay true
"Like look at her man her murderous intents are written all over her face"
No need for that dude now Mika will think I'm a serial killer or something
At this point I bring out my phone and airpod. I can't do this anymore
I lean my head on the glass damn it's so cool
I feel a presence beside me and by the scent I know it's Mika
I smile internally drifting off to sleep

Please guys 🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖

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