chapter 20

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listen to teach me how to drill by lil mabu and favio

I came out twenty minutes later with a clean face
"Yippie you're here I was about to drag you out "kenji said making me roll my eyes
" Is that the damsel in distress I'm saving "I heard a masculine voice with a french accent
" Yes Baptiste" he said turning to me "Darlene this is Baptiste and Baptiste this is Darlene"
"Hi" I said with a wave
"Such a Beau Come come  sit" he guided me to a chair on our dining table
" Thank you"
" And she has manners"he said with a hand on his chest making me blush
" Chop chop Baptiste stop flirting with someone's bride"
This made Baptiste roll his eyes
"I'm in a committed relationship kenji and love my mate"
" Umm Kenji "I called
" Yh"
" About my dress"
" Well save that one for later "he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
" Where's my dad "
" Arranging your ride"
" Wow I feel like Cinderella"I said with a chuckle
" Cinderella will be jealous of you when we're done "
Baptiste said
" Let's get started then"
I said smiling

You can start listening to the song from here

"So quick question" kenji began"what color is Lisa's dress?"
"Red "
I answered
"Ha! Going with the classic matching his eyes thing blurghh boring look very stereotypical zero point"
" Okay? "
I said unsure
" I'm gonna teach you how to seduce a man"
He said
That explains the mischievous glint in his eyes
"Number one always go with his favorite color.. people tend to think matching their outfit with their target's eye will get their attention.. no... For instance.. if he has black eyes but hates black is he gonna pay attention to your body not really.... Buuut if you wear his favorite color he'll appreciate what you wear more.. kenji loves white so your dress is white "
"Make subtle contact with them... Not too much to come of too strong tho... A.... Little bump or touching his hand may be enough"
"Give em space"
Baptiste added
" Make them feel special"
Kenji added
" Give them your attention"
"State your desires"
" Show your vulnerability... Act a lil bit shy not too much just a lil"
" Be you"
" Did u get all that"kenji asked
" And why do I need to know that? "
I asked
" Cos you're gonna seduce Mika"
" Hell to the no"
" Hell to the yess"
" Does my dad know? "
" Don't bring him into this "
after about 20 minutes of Baptiste fussing with my hair and face kenji handed me my dress and practically pushed me to change. Baptiste smacked him for it tho.
When I was done I came downstairs not really knowing how I looked at because they told me not to.
" Oh"
" My"
" Gaawdd"
Kenji and Baptiste said
"H-how do I look"
"You need to see it "
"To believe it"
They said leading me to a full length mirror
I could not believe my eyes when I saw my self
Is this really me
"I wanna to cry" I said fanning my eyes " but Baptiste will kill me "
" Me too"
Kenji said standing next to me
" Thank you kenji"I said hugging him " how you managed to pull this off I don't know and the dress"
" I that about a month ago"he said turning red " I wanted to gift it to you for the ball and I'm glad I got it"
" Thank you I said you too Baptiste thanks for coming on such short notice... It's nothing... I had to my life was on the line... seriously "
I turned to kenji
" Did you threaten him"I narrowed my eyes
We heard a honk and he clapped his hands
"Your dad's here let's go"
And he went out the door
"I'll get him back" I told Baptiste
"Thank you enjoy your night remember you're very beautiful"
I smiled
"Mr Smith" I heard ken say"your daughter"
Taking that as my queue I stepped out.
Dad gasped when he saw me
Suddenly I felt shy and scared and nervous
What if he says I look like mom and it triggers him
I heard a soft cry and I looked up.
Dad was... Crying
"I'm sorry" he began"you look so beautiful my baby girl's grown up "
I hugged him
"Let's go" he said wiping his tears"now's not the time to cry"
He opened the door and kenji helped me in
"Let's get you to your prince"

Thank you for the reads 💃💞💕
Don't forget to
And follow
Also these are their dresses

A/NThank you for the reads 💃💞💕Don't forget to Like Comment Share And followAlso these are their dresses

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This is Darlene's dress

or this I didn't know which one to choose😅

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or this I didn't know which one to choose😅

Why don't you pick your favorite
Let me know in the comment section 😊

Why don't you pick your favoriteLet me know in the comment section 😊

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lisa da bitch 😂😂

lisa da bitch 😂😂

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Kourtney's dress

Christina's dress

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Christina's dress

Please tell me what you think
I sometimes feel like Dee was a lil bit underdressed but we gotta trust kenji right? 😅

Who's your favorite character so far
I really wanna know 😊

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