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"I have to leave."

Angelo Ruiz had received few resignation letters during his forty years as the don of the Los Caballos clan. However, he knew that the four words uttered by Elena Moretti would be more difficult to digest than any other resignation.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way, Elena," he offered slowly.

"I wish so too. But we all know I would have had to quit the mafia some day. This might as well be it," the woman replied with a rueful smile. The don was aware that as someone who had pledged her loyalty to Los Caballos ten years ago, this was just as difficult for her as it was for her mentor. Angelo Ruiz took a deep breath, exhaling sharply as he considered any possible alternatives. 

"We could negotiate with the Italians-"

"You know you can't," Elena interrupted before the old man could finish his proposal. The lady shook her head slowly, fixing Ruiz with a knowing gaze.

"It's a crucial time for Los Caballos," she added softly. "We can't afford to jeopardise our position with one of the oldest Italian mafia families."

Don Ruiz sighed, leaning back in her chair. It was of course the truth, and as a Spanish mafia yet to consolidate power in their new territory, they couldn't entirely afford to get on the bad side of the Italians who had controlled the region for decades.

Even if the same Italian family had sent a death threat to Elena Moretti concerning her husband and three-year-old daughter. The very death threat that had prompted the ablest accountant of the Los Caballos mafia to hand in her resignation. As a Los Caballos member who had helped the business claim unprecedented profits from their overseas trade, Elena had undisputedly been an asset to the clan during her tenure.

The aging don considered the woman seated across him as she returned his gaze. She knew the stakes were high now, and was determined not to jeopardise business relations between the mafia clans in question – that of the rising Los Caballos and the traditional Italian Cosa Nostra. If anything, Ruiz respected her even more for that. 

"Elena," he began after a long pause, leaning forward over the polished mahogany desk. 

"I want you to know that Los Caballos is going to miss its finest accountant, as I will with one of my most dedicated protégés," he remarked sincerely as he gazed at Elena gravely. Moretti smiled at him as she tilted her head in acknowledgment. 

"I know," she replied, a playful grin spreading across her face. She was leaving on her own accord, and no bad blood would create a mark between her and her former business. 

And former family.

"Maybe our paths will cross again in the distant future, Don," Elena added as she stood up, reaching across the table to shake Ruiz's hand. The don smiled, rising as his former pupil took his leave, for what would possibly be the last time. 

"For your sake, Miss Moretti, I hope not." 

Elena slowly slid off the Caballos ring that had adorned her finger for the past 10 years. Her hands grazing the silver band's engraved surface, she wouldn't need it anymore. 

"Keep it," Angelo interjected before she could place it on his desk. 

"A reminder of the family that will truly feel your absence."

Elena paused for a moment, and then slipped the ring carved with her initials and the Caballos insignia back on her finger. With a small smile, she nodded at the don, a small bow of respect towards the mentor who had taught her nearly every trick of the mafia realm.

"Adiós, Don. Cuídate. I wish only the best for the Los Caballos clan," Moretti remarked slowly, bidding the old man farewell for the last time.

Don Ruiz smiled at the protégé he had tutored over ten years ago, and nodded slowly.

"Adiós niña. Cuida a tu familia. Give Hector and young Ciara my regards."

Angelo Ruiz watched Elena give him one final smile before the door to his study opened and swung shut.

A young teenaged boy with jet-black hair and inquisitive grey eyes was waiting outside the study as Elena stepped out. He fixed her with a firm gaze before crossing his arms.

"When will you be back, tía Elena?" He demanded. The lady chuckled inwardly at the mannerisms the teenager had already inherited from his grandfather.

"I have some work to attend to, Adriano. I'm trusting you to look after the place and take good care of your grandfather," Elena replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. She had grown to become almost a Godmother to the don's grandson, and she knew that Adriano would be the one clan member she'd miss the most, even though the youngster hadn't been initiated into the mafia business yet.

Don Ruiz watched silently from his study window as Adriano slowly followed Elena outside. The don truly hoped she would find the happiness she was looking for.

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