Chapter 28

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Ayezah smiled hearing him, looking away, he smirked seeing her flustered red cheeks. Ayezah bit her lower lip, thinking on what to call him. Something related to her?

She looked at him, his handsome face making her knees weak as she unconsciously smiled, deeply staring at his eyes, his black orbs shining under the moonlight giving her the dazzling spotlight underneath his gaze.

She pouted making him smile, "I need some time"

Jungkook chuckled, "Of course sweetheart"

Ayezah frowned, "That's not fair"

Jungkook paused, lifting a dark brow, he questioned, "What?"

"You calling me with these basic nicknames"

Jungkook smirked, "You also need a nickname?"

Ayezah nodded.

"Related to?"

Ayezah smiled, her shy blush creeping out to him even under the dark, "You" she lightly whispered making him giggle. Hiding his face in the crook of her neck, he inhaled her scent, his deep husky voice whispering out through the silence, "We s!ck at names"

Ayezah chuckled, "What will we do when naming our kids?" Her unconscious question made his heart skip a beat. He froze while she awkwardly laughed after hearing herself again. Gulping, she tried to pull apart and he let her. She frowned seeing him sitting like a statue. She gulped thinking that he didn't like the idea of having kids. His blank orbs were scaring her.

"I-I meant... y-you know, l-like if w-we ever-"

"I swear Jeon Ayezah"

Ayezah flinched hearing his deep voice. She was about to tear up-

"I so f!$king swear that I'll d!e out of happiness the second I get a mini version of you"

Ayezah's jaw parted at his words. Her heart wanted to kick her negative side to Mars while this man in front of him was treating her like this. She gulped, the lump in her throat not moving an inch away. She let out a shaky breath.

"What if it's a boy?" She lightly whispered and he shrugged, "He'd have my face, but behavior..." he leaned towards her, nudging her cheek with his nose, he murmured, "Must be yours" he demanded rather than requesting.

She giggled as she found her eyes stinging with tears, biting her lower lip she stared at him.

"What will we name them?"

Jungkook lifted his dark brow, "Now?" Ayezah's eyes widened, "L-Like- I mean- just t-the names"

Jungkook smirked, "You will name our boy and I'll name our girl" Ayezah smiled hearing "our" staring at him, she slowly leaned forward and kissed his forehead ever so tenderly. Her emotions spilling unconditionally for this man and she slowly whispered, "I never wanted to cross paths with you again after our first meeting" Jungkook's smirk widened, "And I needed the complete opposite"

Ayezah's heart shivered hearing the desperate longing for her through his voice, her whole body numb when he said that he "needed" rather than "wanted".

She took a deep breath in, thinking for few seconds on whether to speak about this at the moment, but it was better to let go of the sudden growing anxiety.

"T-The way w-we got m-married was w-w-wrong Jungkook-ah"

Jungkook's grip on her waist tightened. His devil was at disbelief while his heart calmly continued beating at its racing pace.

"I waited Ayezah" his deep stern voice making her shudder, but still she composed herself and opened her trembling lips, "Not enough" Jungkook pulled apart and glared at her, she slightly flinched noticing the rage spitting at her through his orbs.

"Jeon Ayezah" his deep voice called her name, warning her not to trigger him.

"W-Whatever you s-say Jungkook-ah. It is w-wrong"

Jungkook clenched his jaw, he didn't like what she was saying. His ego opened up after so long and he was losing his temper, he never likes to wait and he still did for her. And she? She is saying that he should have waited even more while he was on the verge of losing himself completely.

He opened his lips and was so d!mn ready to spit fire when suddenly-

"B-But my h-heart still c-can't find t-the courage to b-blame you"

Jungkook froze, the rage dropping to his grave along with his ego. He gazed at her, confused with her words. They were talking about nicknames, then about kids and now this-?

"I wanted t-to h-hate y-you Jungkook-ah" Jungkook's grip tightened even more, "B-But instead t-the opposite happened"

Jungkook stared at her orbs, the glow completely invading her honey brown orbs and he almost lost his breath. Cupping his cheeks, she softly whispered, "My Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook smiled hearing her call him his. He remembered the night after they met, he stared at his empire and his desires only ignited for this woman. He leaned more to her touch and keenly watched her.

"Whatever h-happens... j-just know t-that I-I don't e-ever want t-to hate y-you"

Jungkook frowned, what did she mean?

"I-If in t-the future... y-your hurt m-me, t-then know t-that I'll f-forgive y-you the second y-you t-throw a-away w-whatever h-hurt me... I'll f-forgive y-you with a w-wide smile Jungkook-ah"

"Y-Your past a-actions and w-words still h-have an impact on me a-and... I don't w-want t-to e-ever leave y-you"

Jungkook stared at her sincere eyes, he felt his own heart getting stabbed by something, but what?

She suddenly chuckled through her tears, "I u-used to h-hate that m-my destiny w-was w-written with yours..." her voice went low as she continued, "But oh... I can't h-help but love i-it so much"

"Ayezah" he unconsciously whispered her name.

"I d-don't w-want to w-wait anymore"

Jungkook let out a shaky breath, he felt his heartbeats getting excited for some reason.

Leaning forward, she brushed her lips against his making him close his eyes. She shook her head, "Open your eyes beautiful" he smiled hearing her call him that, he had only heard compliments about his outer beauty ever since he was born, but oh... someone for the first time complimented his inner beauty as well.

Opening his eyes, he stared at her, both their orbs invisibly pouring out their true emotions for each other.

"You can read me" she confidently whispered and his heart confirmed everything, nodding a little, he whispered back through his deep husky voice.

"I love you"

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