Chapter 42

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Ayezah was doing her dhikr, one of her hands caressing her tummy as she smiled softly. She still couldn't believe that she was pregnant.

A gasp left her mouth when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Turning her head to the side she smiled seeing her husband, who rested his chin on her shoulder.

"How's my baby feeling?"

A shy smile embraced her lips as she looked away and whispered, "Which one?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows in amusement, chuckling at her cuteness he leaned forward and pecked her cheek, "Oh my Humaira, don't you remember my promise? This baby right here..." he said as he placed his hand over her hand resting on her tummy, "I would love him or her... but not as much as I love you my sweetheart."

Ayezah giggled and patted his cheek, "Don't say that Jungkook-ah."

Jungkook winked, "It's the truth you know, I can't change it. When I got to know the news too... I told you... I just fell more in love with you." He snuggled into her neck as she laughed a little.

Opening his eyes, he stared at her closely, "You're nervous?" Ayezah forced out a smile, "Just a bit honey. It's normal, don't worry." Jungkook lifted one of his dark brows, "This is the first time you've called me with that nickname."

Ayezah chuckled at the way he changed the topic, "You like it?" Jungkook shrugged before pecking her cheek once again, "I like anything from you my love."

Smiling at him, she suddenly noticed the slight change in his face, "I guess during pregnancy even the husband goes through this phase?"

Jungkook frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Your face... somehow looks more... hm what do I say? Peaceful? There's a glow? I don't know, there's a difference..., in a good way though."

Jungkook smiled, "I have a surprise for you tonight."

"Wallahi! You change topics like this." She snapped her fingers showing how quickly he changes topics.

"Come on, you'll love this surprise. I feel like this would be one of the most highlighted chapters in our book."

Ayezah laughed when remembering the talk about a book on their love story, "You still on that?" Jungkook frowned, "Weren't we?"

Nodding a little while giggling she replied, "Of course love, of course."

"Yeah, so as I was saying... this chapter would be one of the best. And trust me..." he leaned forward before pecking her forehead, "you'll love this chapter the most."

Ayezah frowned, "Okay? I'm excited." Jungkook chuckled and nodded, "You should be..., this surprise means a lot... to both you and me."

"And our child?" She asked innocently making him smile lovingly at her, cupping her cheeks he whispered, "And our child, yes."

Jungkook rubbed his nose against her making her giggle as she placed her palm over his chest, "Jungkook-ah what are you doing?"

"Loving my wife. I read somewhere that during pregnancy women crave love, so it's a husband's duty to love his wife even more during this period." Jungkook replied as he kissed her cheeks softly. He chuckled when he noticed her ears were bright red.

"Should we name our second daughter, Humaira?"

Ayezah smiled at him, "First let's name our first child, then we'll think about the second, hm?"

Jungkook nodded lightly, "Yeah... besides I don't think I should name any of our children Humaira." She frowned at his sudden change of thought, "Why?"

"That's my nickname for you. I don't want to call you both with the same name." He lifted one of his dark brows as he stated the obvious.

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