Long Live (One Direction FF)

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Riding shotgun, my head pressed against the cool glass window of the limo, I watched as the rain trickled down the windshield. Earphones jammed into ears, music softly playing, I steadied the fog on the window from my warm breaths. Shutting my eyes, I pictured the warm crackling fire in the fireplace, the tattered tutu that sat in my closet, the large green letters painted on my wall above the head board of my bed......the comforting things of my home. Well....my now former home. Feeling the tears well up in my eyes and throat, I let out a little whimper. Pulling some strands of hair in front of my eyes, I quietly sobbed until we got there. Home sweet home.....

Snapping awake, warm sticky tears sliding down my cheeks, I looked around the room. Ever since mom died I've had to live with my dad. This is my first real day here, as I got in late last night.....but I don't think it's going all that well, and I haven't even gotten out of bed!

Slipping on some clothes, I pulled my curly blonde hair out of my shirt, and walked out of the room. Striding down the long large halls, I saw a figure coming near. It looked male, and from what I could see from a distance.....he was pretty good looking.

"Ello Tayla!" His thick British accent rang....or maybe it just seemed that thick to me....

"Uhh....hello human!" I said in the same bubbly tone, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Hi! I'm Leyum!" He said. The more he talked...the more thicker his accent seemed.

"Well....hello Liam! I'm Taylor as you already know. Do you happen to know where Simon is?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

"Yeah he's in the recording room." He replied, staring at me intently. Rocking back and forth on my feet, he adds:

"You don't know where that is do you?" Shaking my head vigorously, he lead me down the hall and into a room with a sign above the door that read:


Sighing, he walked in, and I hid behind him. Pulling me out in front, he stepped over to the side, leaving all eyes on me. Feeling the heat in my cheeks rise, I stared down at my feet, but I continuosly felt their stares burning into my skin.

"'Ello Love! How are you feeling?" My father asked. Still standing about, tugging at the hem of my shirt to make myself look busy, I shrugged and replied:

"I'm okay....mom's still in the back of my mind. But whatever....." Feeling the tears well up in my eyes, I attempt to rush back out the door, but Liam's blocked it.

"Please move." I cried, the tears slipping over my lash line and quickly making their way down my cheeks.

"Don't cry, Love. It'll be alright." He said, placing his forefinger gingerly underneath my chin and lifting it up to face him. My breathing becoming unsteady, I snapped my head back down and furiously wiped at my tears.

"So.....other than the tears being shed, I came here to talk about the tour. I know you just got here Tayla, but we have some......favors of you." My father said, his accent popping when he said my name....Tayla....my name's not Tayla, it's Taylor.

"What is it?" I asked, taking a deep breath, then staring back at him.

"Well....remember when you were 13 and you entered the talent show? You had written your own song and played the guitar as well?" He reminds me.....but how did he know that? He never even came...

"Yeah....I got first place and afterwards mom took me to go get ice cream." I say, recalling the memory.

"Since your......a teenage girl. And these boys have sold numerous albums to....well, girls like you. Do you think you could conjure up so new, fresh songs for the next album?" He asks, and my mouth falls to the floor.

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