"Slime?"part 3

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Slimes pov. 

I limp to the bathroom with difficulty because of my injuries. I take off my clothes and take the most painful shower of my life. I get out and patch up my legs, putting on my sleep pants. About halfway through patching up my top I fail to hear the door opening.

Sams pov.

I get to the hallway and see a trail of shiny dark green liquid going from a storage room to the bathroom it was even on the handles. I go to the bathroom and hear... bandages being unwrapped? So I quietly open the door and standing there patching up what looks like a terrible injury is...


Slimes POV.

"Slime?" I nearly jump out of my skin! I didn't even know he was on this floor. "Who the fuck did this to you?" He asks scaring me. "I-I don't know it was some r-random man in a black m-mask." I say before composing myself and patching myself up again. I quickly finish with some help from Sam. 

Sams POV. 

After helping slime get patched up, I took him to my room that was basically an apartment. About halfway through his bandages on him forso began bleeding again(an: he has a broken rib.) "Sam I feel dizzy" he slurred before passing out.

Achoo cliffhanger anyway I might take a break from this one shot. Motivation died about 20 minutes ago.  Anyway have a good day/night/evening/afternoon!

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