Chapter Six

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A/N- Chapter Five was kind of lame i know .-. That was sorta hard to write i dont know why. Itll get better c:


--One Week Later--

Everythings starting to be perfect. Me and Harry haven't fought and he's made this summer great so far even though it just started. We've gone out on dates almost every night. His mom Anne, was really happy for us when we told her. And so was my mom. We haven't fought at all which is suprising but I hope it does stay that way. 

"Wake up sleepy head!" Harry started shaking me. This is how he's been waking me up lately, and early in the morning.

"It's barely 8 Harry, why are you waking me up so early?" I was starting to wake up more now. He was just sitting there looking at me. 

"So that we can do more things of course. Now get up and showered were going to go out for breakfast." 

He pulled the car up to Nandos. This is the only place I actually liked to eat at. We went and sat down, I ordered something at random and I don't even know what Harry got because I wasn't really paying attention. Someone was catching my eye. I've never seen him here or even in London before. He had blond hair with brown roots. Thats all I saw. Harry asked me what I was staring at all I did was gesture with my head. "I know who that is." Him saying that took me by suprise. "Who is it?" by the look on his face I don't think he really wanted to tell me. "That's Niall." I've never heard Harry ever talk about him before. Even when we were younger, I never saw Harry with him. "Well, why don't you go over and talk to him?"

--Harry's Pov--

"Well, why don't you go over and talk to him?" Why'd she want me to talk to him? We haven't talked in a while. And last time we did we were in a arguement. Not suprising, right? I didn't feel like getting into a fight with Katie so I just went over to Niall.

"Hey, Niall?" I didn't know if he was still mad at me or not about the last time we spoke. It's been so long I could barely remember what the arguement was about. "Harry?!" He looked actually happy to see me, his face lit up and he had the biggest smile on his face. He stood up and hugged me in a really tight hug. "Er.. Hi." I honestly didn't know what I was going to say. I was kind of just hoping he would be mad at me still and tell me to go away. Or even not even remember who I was but Niall had a really good memory on some things. "W-Why are you here? In London?" I didn't even know why he was really here and I kind of really wanted to know. "I just needed to get away from my family" His family? His family was the best family I have ever met. They were so cool about everything. 


"They were just pressuring me like every family does. But it was just to much at one time, yanno?"

"Yeah, yeah.. Uh want to come sit with me and my girlfriend?" I lied. I didn't know what he was meaning. My mom never pressured me with anything, she let me be who I wanted and not what she wanted. The same with Gemma, she didn't pressure her either. I walked him over to were Katie was sitting and sat down next to her. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Niall, this is Katie. Katie, Niall." I gestured him to sit down, they both nodded to each other when I told them each others names. 

"Have you seen Zayn? Or Liam? Oh, and also Louis?" That was the question I was hoping he wouldn't ask. He didn't know they didn't live in London anymore. He left here before they did. 

"No.. They moved away." His smiled seemed to disappear. Katie nudged me, probably trying to ask me who these people were and why she's never heard about them. She didn't know who they were because I never brought her around them. Mostly because of Zayn. He could get any girl if he tried enough, or barely tried at all. And I knew Katie would most likely like him if she met him. I wasn't going to take my chances though.

"Oh, to where?" Niall seemed a bit sad when he was asking me all these questions that I had no idea how to answer to. Niall was the most happiest out of all of us. Other than Louis. He could make you smile with just saying one thing or doing something little. 

"I don't know Niall..." I don't know why but it was sorta hard telling him these things. He was here. Maybe the others would be coming back? I had there numbers, I mean if they didn't change them or anything. The waitress came over to our table and asked if we were done Niall said no and ordered more food. He could eat alot and not gain anything. Anytime me and the boys were somewhere with no food Niall would pull out something and we had no clue where he would get it. 

--Katie's Pov--

How come Harry never told me about these boys he was talking about? We were bestfriends, and now were dating and this is the first time I'm hearing about this? I want to be mad but some how I feel like there's more to the story on why he's never told me about Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam. I mean it sounds like they all used to be so close.

I invited Niall to come home with me and Harry to hangout and for them to catch up on things. My mom was visting some family somewhere I couldn't really remember where. But she wasn't going to be home for a couple more days... or longer I think? 

"You guys want anything? Harry put on a movie or something." 

"Uhhhhhh, some chips? And drinks?" I could tell Niall was holding back on what he really wanted to eat taken on how much he ate right in front of me. 

"Ha, sure." I went to the kitchen and got bowls to put the chips in. Then I felt strong hands grab me around the waist and lips start to kiss my neck. 

"" That took way longer to come out of my mouth than it should have. But Harry's kisses did that to me. He didn't seem to listen so I moved away. I just winked at him mockingly and walked out with the drinks and bowl in my hands. 

"Bye Niall! Come over whenever you want?!" I told Niall while giving him a hug and closing the door behind him. Now it was time to find out why Harry never told me about these boys that him and Niall were talking about half the time they were together.

"Harry. Who are all these boys you were talking about with Niall? And why haven't I ever heard about them?" I didn't really want to fight with him but I didn't think that this would start one. I was just really curious about this. 

"Ermm... Well you've met Niall. We used to be bestfriends a while back before we got into a fight and before we could make up he moved back to Ireland. Zayn, he was also my bestfriend but he would get into trouble alot and I kept him away from you because well... Zayn was the type of guy that could get anyone and I thought he would take you away from me if I made you two meet each other.. Louis, he was the joker I guess in the group he could make you laugh at anything, he would make you feel better even if you were the slightest sad, me and him were the closest out of everyone. Then there's Liam he was like our fathers even if we were young that's what he felt like, to all of us. I didn't tell you about any of them because we all don't talk anymore. I do miss them but we wouldn't be the same I guess we just all fell off and then they all moved somewhere or we lost connection somewhere in between. Plus, I would spend alot of time with you so they kinda just stopped asking me to hang out."

I didn't think he would actually tell me who they were. Maybe he was actually trying to change? He hadn't seemed the slightest mad when I asked him or even when he was telling me who they all were.

"I'm glad you actually told me. Thanks Harry. But why don't you find them? I mean Niall's here. What if the others come back? Or maybe you could find their numbers or something?" 

As I said that a smile started to form on his mouth. "Maybe I could. But right now lets just go do something? There's still time for my suprise I wanted to give you!" He got up and dragged me to my room. "Pick out something nice love" and with that he walked out.

Harry's suprises were always the best. I couldn't wait for this one, I haven't gotten one in the longest of time.

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