Twenty four

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Filler Chapter
When Belle woke up, she learnt that starting that day, her and her sister weren't allowed to speak to their friends because of what has been happening.  Toby was all Belle really had after everything. She actually couldn't trust anyone at the moment, but him. "Belle?" She looked to see Aria. "Are you okay? You've been closed off since..."

"After that night, I think it would be best to just let me be alone for a bit." She tells her. "Toby is all I want to speak to at the moment because he seems to be the only person I can trust right now and be there for. I fell for a trap that I should have known was. Ian attacked me! Why does all these things happen to me!"

"What do you mean?"

"I would have been in the same spot as Alison if Toby never saved me." She tells Aria. "Then I was locked in a room with Spencer and now this." She pointed at her head. "I need to rest then I'll be at school. Please, leave me alone."

Aria nodded as she walked out of the room. She looked at her sister who walked over and slammed the door shut. Sighing, Aria walked away to do some thinking.

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