Chapter 15 - Nightmare

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Mikes POV

I wake up as the doctor walks in, his face an expression I cant read. He walks up to where everybody is sitting and stops.

Everybody looks at him, waiting to see what he has to say.

"Are you all waiting for Will Byers?" He asks us.

We all nod and his face falls.

"I'm really sorry, he didn't make it." He tell us.

He walks away and there is silence for a few minutes before Joyce and Jonathan burst into tears.

"Why him.. Why would my baby do that to himself!?" Joyce wailed, as Jonathan just cried.

I look around and everybody is crying. This is all my fault. I made my best friend kill himself.

I start sobbing and Max grabs my head and burries it into her shoulder.

I just cry. I cry and cry until my voice is hoarse and I have no tears left.

Hes gone. He's seriously gone.

"No no no he's not gone! He's not gone!" I try and convince myself.

"Mike, he's gone.." Eleven whispers to me, stroking my arm.

"No he's not. No I'm going to see him." I try and get up but Max and Eleven hold me down.

"Mike.. You need to accept it, hes gone." Max whispers to me.

I burst into tears again and I bury my head into Max's shoulder again, not bothering to ask if she minds or not.



"MIKE!" Max yells at me.

"W-What?" I ask her, and I realise the party is looking at me.

"You where sobbing in your sleep and you kept saying stuff like 'no' and 'hes not gone', did you have a nightmare?" Eleven tells me softly.

"Where's Will." I ask them

"He's still being processed, you need to w-" Lucas tries to tell me but I cut him off.

"I'm going!" I yell and I hear them all sigh but they let me go.

I walk up to the front desk and the man looks up at me.

"What's wrong?" He sighs.

"What room is Will Byers in?" I ask him.

"He's still being processed, come back in 5 minutes." He rolls his eyes.

"Answer my fucking question. What room is Will Byers in?" I grit my teeth and the man sighs and starts typing on the computer.


"Thanks." I head towards room 158, and I can feel my hands shaking.

He won't want to see me, I am the reason all of this happened. Maybe I should just go back..

I decide that whether he wants me there or not, I need to go in. I have to apologize.

I open the door and he is lay down, tubes going in his arms, his nose, his stomach, he is pale and he looks drained.

He hasn't noticed me yet so I clear my throat and he looks at me. I see him tear up and he looks away.

"P-Please go away.." He croaks, his voice shakily.

"Will I just want to talk." I sigh, walking over.

"What is there to talk about." He looks down.

"Will, I'm really sorry." I tell him.

"Yeah and I'm fine." He huffs.

"Will I'm being serious." I try and touch his hand but he moves it away.

"D-Don't touch me." He whispers, his voice shaking.

"Will please I'm really sorry, I never wanted this to happen." My voice starts to become uneven as I tear up.

"Where's my mum. I want mum." He tells me.


"I want mum." He finally looks me dead in the eyes and I sigh and walk out.

I walk into the waiting room, my lips trembling and I sit down.

"Is he okay?" Joyce asks me frantically.

“Y-Yeah.. He said he wanted to see you." I manage to say, before breaking down in tears.

Joyce and Jonathan run off into Will's room and everybody else sits in silence. The only noise filling the room is my sobbing.

"Mike, what's wrong?" Dustin asks me gently.

I shake my head, not wanting to tell him.

"Come on, man. We want to help." Lucas adds on.

"He hates me. And I can't even blame him because I caused all of this shit and I tried to apologize but he can't even look at my face and it hurts, it really does. I love him but he doesn't believe me and I don't know what to do!" I sob while everyone looks at me with sympathetic faces.

"He needs time, Mike. He will never forgive you straight away, of course he wont. But Will is the most forgiving person I know and I'm sure he will come round." Dustin tells me.

I just shake my head and continue to cry before Eleven speaks up.

"I am gonna go see him, does anyone else want to come?" She asks us.

Everybody nods and leave, but I am glued (sometimes its too much) to my seat, my eyes focused on the floor.

All I can see is the sight of Wills pale body on the floor, bleeding and his mouth foaming.

I fall asleep, and after some time I wake up to the sound of the party, Joyce and Jonathan walking into the waiting room.

I look up as they all walk towards me.

"Mike, sweetheart, we are all going home. Would you like a ride home?" She asks me.

"N-No thank you." I smile weakly at her and she nods, and walks out of the hospital.

The party follow her, shouting 'bye' at me.

I walk into Will's room and see him lay down, asleep.

I let out a shakey sigh and walk oved to his bed. I sit down and grab his hand gently

"I know you can't hear this, but I'm sorry, Will." I pause.

"I do love you. I love you so much. I should have never accepted that stupid fucking dare, I'm really really sorry. I would tell you this when your awake but you hate me. So I'm saying it now. I love you so much, Will." I rant, repeating myself over and over again.

I look down at his pale body and tear up. I place a soft kiss on his forehead and leave, but I don't exit the hospital, I go back into the waiting room and go to sleep.

I am going to sit and wait until he is allowed out of the hospital.

{Word Count: 1075}

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