Chapter two

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Hiccups pov

I was holding a shield and a fish in the other hand. I poked my head out behind the two cliff like walls. I took a step forward and the shield got stuck in the wall.

I sighed and crawled under it walking into the cove I didn't see the nightfury as I looked around. Then I heard rocks fall I turned quickly to it and saw the night fury. I held out the fish and chuckled awkwardly. Then the nightfury sat down with round irises.

It's eyes where greenish yellow. And it slipped forward it's mouth open.

Hiccup: " Huh Toothless... I could have sworn you had..."

Then teeth appeared in the dragons mouth and it gobbled down the fish.

Hiccup: " Teeth..."

Time skip again I'm sry TvT

Y/n was watching secretly as the two leg tried miserably to get some sort of fin on Toothless.

Then toothless lifted his head the basked falling of his head and a look of utter shock on his face Y/n snickers as he spread his wings.

Then whoosh toothless lifted off! Y/n waited until Toothless came back and threw the two leg into the water then he collapsed into the water.

Y/n was utterly confused at this. As he was know watching Toothless flailing in the water.

Time skip again.

Y/ns pov

I slipped threw the trees wincing as my wing brushed leaves and his tail got stuck on twigs.

I heard a thumping and I saw a two leg with long hair and spikes on her pelt and she was throwing a axe around.

Then she stopped it right before it could hit Hiccup ( Toothless told him the name).

I couldn't help but stare at the new two leg before slipping after Hiccup.

Before I could come into the cove something caught my eye.

A large and I mean large deer buck.

I crouched down my talons slice if the bark wood under my talons.

I lept catching the deer off guard  sinking my fangs into its neck it made a satisfying crunch and warm fresh taste filled my mouth.

Time skip I'm not doing anything gruesome

I licked my jaws then I heard twigs snapping I looked up to see Toothless on a tree with Hiccup and the same female Two leg hanging from the tree screaming.

Then Toothless grabbed her in his talons and flew away.I felt a little jealous he could fly.

I looked at my torn wing sadly.

Curling up in the shade of a near by tree I rested and feel asleep.

Astrid's pov

I ran threw the woods my mind racing of the thoughts I had seen that queen dragon eating another dragon?

Suddenly I tripped and landed on my face.

Scowling I looked up and my eyes where met with F/c ones.

I screamed and jumped back startled then I looked at the dragon infront of me.

Long thin white horns F/c eyes a long lizard like tail bat wings sharp claws and a smooth muzzle.

I felt it breath on me before running off.

I stood there shocked I had never seen a dragon like it.

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