Familial Foolery

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Freya, the ever-patient goddess of love and beauty, strolled through the grand halls of Asgard. Her long, golden locks cascaded gracefully down her back as she led a group of new servants around the heavenly abode.

As they rounded a corner, a loud explosion shook the walls, causing the servants to jump in fright. But Freya merely waved her hand dismissively.

"Oh, don't mind that," Freya said with a casual smile. "That's just Loki playing his mischievous games with Thor. It happens quite often."

One of the servants nervously spoke up. "Shouldn't we stop them? It seems rather chaotic."

Freya chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, no need to worry. As long as Asgard remains intact and no innocent souls are harmed, we let them have their fun."

They continued their tour, but it wasn't long before another explosion echoed through the halls. This time, the servants looked even more alarmed.

"Are you sure, Lady Freya? It sounds really dangerous," one of them exclaimed.

Freya stopped, her gentle laughter filling the air. "Trust me, dear servants. This is just how Thor and Loki show their affection for each other."

Confusion painted the faces of the servants. "Affection? It seems more like utter chaos."

Freya's sky blue eyes twinkled mischievously. "Ah, but sibling love can be just as twisted. They love to hate each other without ever saying, 'I love you.'"

The servants exchanged puzzled glances, clearly perplexed by the notion. Freya, however, paid them no mind as she continued leading the way.

The chaos unfolded a few more times throughout the day. Freya found amusement in it all, whether she was sipping afternoon tea, wandering through the blooming gardens, or engrossed in her favorite romance novel.

Each time the servants grew more concerned, they would approach Freya, eyes filled with worry. But she simply smiled reassuringly, waving her hand to erect a magical barrier that protected them from any stray debris.

The servants couldn't understand how Freya could remain calm amidst the ongoing madness. They finally gathered the courage to ask her the burning question.

"Lady Freya, why don't you put an end to their constant brawls? Surely, it would be better for everyone's sanity."

Freya leaned against a marble pillar, a knowing smirk dancing on her lips. "Why should I spoil their fun? Besides, they won't stop until Odin returns and unleashes his fury upon them."

The servants looked at her, their eyes wide with disbelief. "Is watching your brothers get reprimanded truly your idea of entertainment?"

Freya shrugged, her laughter bubbling up. "What can I say? It's my own special brand of sisterly love. Nothing quite warms my heart more than seeing those two idiots learn their lesson."

Another explosion rumbled the halls, making the servants jump. Freya simply rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face. "Oh, there they go again."

As the chaotic clangs and shouts echoed through Asgard, the servants marveled at Freya's unyielding patience.

"How do you manage to stay so calm, Lady Freya? If it were me, I'd have pulled my hair out by now."

Freya brushed a stray golden strand behind her ear, her voice dripping with amusement. "Oh, my dears, it's all about seeing the bigger picture. This, my dear servants, is their love language."

The servants exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend how destruction equated to affection.

Freya grinned, her voice lower with a hint of mischief. "You see, Thor and Loki have their own unique way of expressing how much they care. They antagonize each other, duel it out, and drive each other crazy, all without ever uttering the words 'I love you.'"

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