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Dorothea - 

Getting up for my bed I made the decision to do what I wanted to. Despite my age I need an adventure, and it was likely I will get caught and I will be huge trouble but it's better to seek forgiveness after the fact.

I move across my room reaching towards my closet to collect some clothes before I leave.

Just hoping that no one notices that I am gone and also that they will not notice me leaving. I just got to make sure it's time perfectly so I can exit without being noticed.

As I pack my bag with the clothes I collected I make my way out of my room, checking both sides of the hallway as well listening to any people that are nearby. By the grace of my Excellency I was able to get out of the house without being noticed.

And good thing I did without being detected by anyone I took the back door. I just to make it to the airport to go where I want to go.

I want something different for myself, I want to go to places that I'm not really allowed to go when I'm not supervised.

I want to do things that my father did when he was my age but of course when he was my age the world isn't as it is today like it was for him and his youth.


Leonidas -  

After a long night I was looking forward to some sleep and time away from my children. Even though they are adults, well most of them.

Dorothea is my everything, I will do everything in my power to make sure she has a full life but safe. She is not my first child, and mostly not the first mortal child that I fathered but things are different.

Since 480 BC I have changed over the years, when she was born I looked at her differently from my other children. I know that I should not do that but when I look at her, it is just different, just more special to me.

Morning came, and I got out of the bed ready to start the day, wondering how many appointments I have today. As I wondered I thought that Dorothea could join me today.

Deciding that she should , I leave out of my room ready for the workload but breakfast is calling my name. Taking my seat at the table my children soon joined the table but Dorothea did not come down.

Thinking nothing of it, I just wait for a moment for Dorothea to come down but that does not. This made me worry about this because she has never been late for anything.

So after finishing my food I head to her room only to see that she was not there. The next thing I thought about was looking for my daughter, having each room checked to see if she was in there, to see if she was in the home but as my men came forward to tell me that she was nowhere inside the house. 

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