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Leonidas - 

Sitting at my table looking at all the information that is in front of me.

Seeing that somehow somewhere my daughter was able to get out of the country, and head to everywhere in Europe. Been reports that she is in Egypt, Italy, Germany, she's constantly moving in I can't even describe the anger within me.

When I find her she's so grounded. I am solely focused on all the reports that are afraid of me until I get interrupted.

One of my guards came into the room to show me something else. It is known that there's a space, a gap of her not showing up anywhere so that makes me worry very much she's only 16.

But the guard that came into the room showed me something else that made me and my blood go cold. I have been around a long time and some things should not bother me but they do especially when it involves my children. I had to read it over and over again to make sure I'm seeing it right.

I look over to my guard to get everything ready, that we're heading to the United States. I hope that it is nothing serious that she's okay and once she is she's going to wish she never left home.


Dorothea - 

Out of everything that could have happened to me, a damn plane crash.

But luckily I think no one was seriously injured but for me without a doubt I know my arm is broken. Right now I am laying on a backboard strapped down waiting for my turn to get checked out.

Hoping the dear life that my father has no idea of where I'm at but I have a feeling that he might know soon. It is going to be even more harder for me to get out of the hospital because of my age.

I don't think it'll take them very long to figure out what my age is. So right now I am just waiting, little did I know what was going to happen to me.

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