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"Stormy days ahead"

"I'm sorry Yejin but the management decided to pull you out and let Jiwon do the rest of the photoshoot." Mr. Lim said. Yejin already expect it, that there's some projects will cancel the contract because of the issue she is facing right now. "Is it because of the issue, Mr. Lim?" Yejin said. Mr. Lim awkwardly nodded. "Arasso... I understand, don't worry..." She said. Yumi and Mina felt sad because of it. They were seated at the one corner of the dressing room. Mr. Lim tap her on her shoulder. "I know you're a good person, Yej. The truth will come out soon.... I saw you're personality I know you couldn't do it. There are stormy days in our life sometimes, don't give up and let them show that you're stronger and your innocent behind the accusations." Mr. Lim said. Yejin let out a smile. "Thank you Mr. Lim for believing me... I know the truth will come out soon.." Yejin said. When Mr. Lim went outside, Yejin sit on her chair because her body is shaking. "Are you okay?" Yumi said as she approach her. Yejin look at herself in the mirror and her eyes got teary. She got worried day by day. She was trying to call Jin ah but she didn't answered and sometimes she reject her call. She admit that her trust for her is shaking right now. 'Ah Jin ah... Is this you're new plot? Am I really stupid to be fool by you again? No, I know you're being sincere that day... I will trust you no matter what...' In her mind. "Eonnie, don't be so stress... We're worried that might something bad happen to you and to your baby." Mina said. Yejin look at her two friends and she let out a smile. "Thank you for staying beside me especially in times like this..." Yejin said and her tears suddenly escape from her eyes. Yumi and mina hug her, they felt the pain and sadness she's going through for the past few weeks. The issue doesn't die down instead it's keep going trendy everyday. "Don't worry... It will be okay soon but for now, don't let other people say to you will ruin your day, Arasso?" Yumi said as she was trying to control her emotions. They need to be strong in front of her. Yejin nodded. "Ah how about in my place eonnie... Let's unwind and let's have a movie marathon just like before... I will call Bin oppa to inform him." Mina said as she also trying to control her emotions. Yejin smile brightly. "Deal?" Yumi said. Yejin nodded happily.

Yejin left alone in her dressing room. Yumi went first to the lobby to call their driver while Mina went Administration office to inform them that they will be leaving. Jiwon went inside and Yejin didn't notice her. "Oh, are you packing all your things? It seems you've been pull out in this project." Jiwon said to tease her. Yejin look to Jiwon by the mirror who is standing behind her. "What do you want?" Yejin said. Jiwon smirked and approach her. "You really wanna know?" Jiwon said and give her a death gazed. Yejin also look at her eyes. "I want to tell the word how devil you are, Son Yejin! You steal your friend's boyfriend..." Jiwon said. Yejin smirked and she rolled her eyes. "Are you talking about yourself,  Jiwon? I think you're describing yourself..." Yejin said. She stand up pick her bag  and walk pass through her but Jiwon stop her by holding tightly her arms. "Let me go... I don't have time to talk to you..." Yejin said. Jiwon pull her back that's why Yejin got shocked. 'She's dangerous Yej.. you must avoid her...' The voice of Jin ah recalled in her mind. She get nervous not because of her life , but because of the little one inside her. "I'm sorry, I forgot your pregnant.." Jiwon said as she was smirked. "You know what just accept the fact that I defeat you and your career ruined because of you..." Jiwon said. "Behind your innocent face, I can't believe that there's a devil hiding  inside you." She added. "Tell that to yourself. So I think it's you who behind this issue." Yejin said. "Uhm.. Yes I am... So you're going to have press con and telling the public that I made a fake news or everything? Yah! Son Ye jin! You won't... Why? Because Jin Ah wrote a suicide note with your name written on it." Jiwon said. "You think the public will believe you? Just accept the fact that your not the great Son Yejin anymore." She added. "Yah! Jiwon... I know the truth about what happened to Jin Ah." Yejin said as she was trying to see if Jin ah is telling her the truth or not. Jiwon stop and her face look so pale, "What did you say?" She said. Yejin saw the nervousness and panicked on her eyes and written on her expression. 'I knew it... Jin ah is telling the truth....' In her mind. "What? Why it seems your hiding something dark secrets? Is Mrs. Ah knows what you did to her daughter?" Yejin said. Jiwon couldn't look at her eyes and she notice that her body is shaking. "I really don't k-know.... What you're talking about, Yejin... Are you accusing me that I push her on the cliff? It's a big accusation, you know? Do you have evidence?" Jiwon said as she was trying to hide her nervousness. "I never tell you about the day on the cliff? Why it seems your suddenly anxious? It's all written in your face that your hiding something..." Yejin said. "Jiwon, stop what you're trying to do.. I know what happened that day and you're obsession to Bin lead you to live your life just like now, full of sadness and hatred." Yejin said. Jiwon get mad and push Yejin to the wall and wrapped her hands to Yejin's neck, " You bitch...I will kill you, Son Yejin! Stop that fucking nonsense.." Jiwon said. Yejin try to stop her, "Then kill me... Even I'm gone... You will not have him... You think if you kill me like what you did to Jin Ah, Bin will love you? Ani, love is willingness to give not force  or beg someone to love you.. So please stop this Jiwon! You are ruining your own life without you knowing it." Yejin said. Jiwon hold her neck tightly as she was loosing her controls on her emotions. Yejin is struggling to her breath. 'Jiwon... Don't do this... You will regret this in the future... Please...' In her mind. Yejin tears escaped from her eyes and she put her hands wrapped around her tummy. "He's mine! And I will do everything just to have with him..." Jiwon said. "Eonnie!!!" Mina said when she saw the two inside the room. She immediately run and push Jiwon away from Yejin. "Yah!!! JIWON!..." She shouted. Yejin choke when Jiwon release her. "Are you okay?" Mina said. Yejin look at to Jiwon. "Keep your mouth shut if you wanna live, Yejin..." Jiwon said and went outside the door. "Yah! We will sue you... I swear!" Mina shouted. "Eonnie, are you okay?" Mina said. Yejin nodded weakly. "Let's go to the hospital first..." Yejin said.

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