Riddle of the Hearth - Jenni Ward

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* "Being a teenager is all about making an idiot of yourself. Live dangerously just once."

"Ser adolescente se trata de ser idiota. Vive peligrosamente una sola vez"

* I admired her level of confidence around people.

Admiro su nivel de confianza alrededor de la gente.

* you both overthink things. That's the problem, you know. So busy thinking about the right words to say, the right things to do, so busy thinking that you never do anything.

* "if we believed in everything though, we would be too afraid to live. So it is best to focus on what you can see and do something about."

Sin embargo, si creyéramos en todo, tendríamos demasiado miedo de vivir.
Así que es mejor centrarse en lo que puedes ver y hacer algo al respecto".

* Why can I talk about anything except my own feelings?

¿Por qué puedo hablar de cualquier cosa excepto de mis propios sentimientos?

* One chance to live, right? And if we remembered none of this, then what would it matter?

Una oportunidad de vivir, ¿verdad? Y si no recordáramos nada de esto, ¿qué importaría?

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