Menacled- SenLinYu

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* Someone so hate-filled they were probably far quicker with their emotions than their reason.

Alguien tan lleno de odio, probablemente fue mucho más rápido con sus emociones que con su razón.

* His face had lost every trace of boyishness. There was a dangerous, refined brutality in the way he held himself. The way he looked at her... His eyes were like a wolf's; cold and feral.

Su rostro había perdido todo rastro de juventud. Había una brutalidad peligrosa y refinada en la forma en que se sostenía. La forma en que la miró... Sus ojos eran como los de un lobo; frío y salvaje.

* She hardly felt anything nowadays.

Apenas sentía nada hoy en día.

* Once upon a time... there had been a girl who fought. Who believed that books and cleverness and friendship and bravery could overcome all things. But now, that girl was gone.

Érase una vez... Había habido una chica que luchó, que creía que los libros, la inteligencia, la amistad y la valentía podrían superar todas las cosas. Pero ahora... esa chica se había ido.

* Because if she stopped, she'd think. If she thought, she'd cry.

Porque si se detenía, pensaría. Si pensaba, lloraría .

* She was broken. She was. There was no point in trying to deny it.

Estaba rota. Ella lo estaba. No tenía sentido tratar de negarlo.

* If an assassin's blade were made into a man, it would take the form of Draco Malfoy. Beautiful and damned. A fallen angel. Or perhaps, the Angel of Death.

Si la espada de un asesino se convirtiera en un hombre, tomaría la forma de Draco Malfoy. Hermoso y maldito. Un ángel caído. O tal vez, el Ángel de la Muerte.

* I am trying to remember you and let you go at the same time.

Estoy tratando de recordarte y dejarte ir al mismo tiempo.

* Maybe you just never noticed how far I was willing to go for you.

Tal vez nunca te diste cuenta de lo lejos que estaba dispuesta a llegar por ti.

* She wished she'd hugged him. Or taken his hand. Or met his eyes and told him how important he was to her. Told him how much she needed him. That he was her best friend. That she would follow him to the ends of the earth. That she would never, ever recover if she lost him.

Ella deseaba haberlo abrazado. O tomar su mano. O lo mirarlo a los ojos y le decirle lo importante que era para ella. Decirle cuánto lo necesitaba. Que él era su mejor amigo. Que ella lo seguiría hasta los confines de la tierra. Que nunca, nunca se recuperaría si lo perdiera.

* she'd wondered if it was possible to die from the devastating loneliness she felt. She'd felt like her heart had broken. It still felt like that.

Se preguntaba si era posible morir de la devastadora soledad que sentía. Había sentido que su corazón se había roto. Todavía se sentía así.

* She had so much fury inside herself she felt as though she might burst into flames. She wanted to break something. (...) She wanted to do something that would hurt. She wanted to punch a mirror the way people did in movies. To see the glass shatter and fracture until it looked the way she felt. (...) She was desperate to feel something other than the emotional agony she felt she was drowning in.

* "A wish assumes a person knows what's best for them. Good luck and happiness leaves it to Fate to lead you to the right place. I'd much prefer to be gifted with good luck and happiness than a single wish."

—Un deseo asume que una persona sabe lo que es mejor para ella. La buena suerte y la felicidad dejan que el destino te lleve al lugar correcto. Prefiero que me regalen buena suerte y felicidad que un solo deseo.

* Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Mejor el diablo que conoces que el diablo que no conoces.

* No one so young should have had such icily restrained rage behind their eyes.

Nadie tan joven debería haber tenido una rabia tan fría detrás de sus ojos.

* The whole world already knows she's mine. Did you want me to reiterate it?

—El mundo entero ya sabe que ella es mía. ¿Querías que lo reiterara?

* "I feel like I can breathe. Like I've been drowning so long I forgot what oxygen felt like."

—Siento que puedo respirar. Como si me hubiera estado ahogando tanto tiempo que olvidé cómo se sentía el

* "I hope you die the slowest and most horrible death anyone has ever devised"

—Espero que mueras la muerte más lenta y horrible que alguien haya ideado.

* I get it. That doesn't mean I like it.

—Lo entiendo. Eso no significa que me guste.

* If she pushed he'd explode.

Si ella insistía , él explotaría.

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