Chapter 16 - 'I love you'

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Wills POV

Everybody had just left the room, so I decided to go to sleep. I was about to doze off when I heard a shakey sigh. I decide to stay up but not open my eyes, and if it was a nurse I would just fall asleep.

"I know you can't hear this, but I'm sorry, Will." I hear Mike tell me, and he pauses.

"I do love you. I love you so much. I should have never accepted that stupid fucking dare, I'm really really sorry. I would tell you this when your awake but you hate me. So I'm saying it now. I love you so much, Will." He lets out a wobbly sigh, before I feel a gentle kiss on my forehead.

Does he really love me? Or maybe he was just saying that because he knew I was awake.

My thoughts get cut off by my dozing off, and I sleep peacefully.

I wake up to the sound of whispers, and the entire party is sat down in my room, even Mike.

"Morning Byers!" Dustin grins at me and I smile back.

"Guess who gets let out this afternoon!" Max squeals, holding my hand.

"Seriously?" I beam and they all nod their heads, smiling ear to ear.

We all chat for some time, most of it is apologies but I had already forgiven them. The only person who didn't apologize was Mike. Maybe he didn't mean what he said last night..

"I need the toilet, Ill be right back." Max told us, and el got up too.

"Yeah I need to go aswell." She spoke as they both left

"I'm kinda hungry, dusty bun come with me and get some food." Lucas grabbed Dustin and dragged him out of the room before he even had a chance to reply.

"Will..?" Mike whispered.

I look over at him.

"Yeah?" I reply back.

"I'm really sorry." He looks down, his eyes tearing up.

"It's okay.." I smile weakly at him.

"No, no it's not okay. I shouldn't have accepted that stupid dare. I wasn't thinking and I didn't realise any if this would happen. I'm really sorry, Will." He starts crying.

I grab his hand and use my thumb to stroke it lightly.

"I forgive you, Mike." I whisper, not wanting Mike to be upset.

"Why would you forgive me? I've done something absolutely awful to you, Will." Mike looked at me confused, but also guilty.

"Because your my best friend. And you may not love me but I love you, Mike." I look at him and I see his expression fall even more.

"Will I do love you!" He tries but I take my hand away.

"Stop, please. I know you don't so just leave it. The dare is over now." I look down, feeling upset that he is still lying to me.

"No, Will please listen to me I love you so much." He cries.

"Mike please stop.." I frown.

"Will please I love you!" He tries to hold my hand, and I move it away.

"I don't believe you." I look at him dead in the eyes and he starts bawling.

"Will I know what I did to you was horrible, I regret it so much but the dare made me realise how much I loved you! Without it I wouldn't have ever realised and I know that it was a mean thing to do but I never wanted to tell you!! I was happy dating you and I wanted it to stay that way but I just had to tell you about the dare." He tried his best to explain to me but I look away.

"Mike. Even if you are telling me the truth you do realise it will take me months to trust you again." I tell him and I see him nod frantically.

"Yes! Yes I know, and I will wait for you I promise I will wait for months until you're ready! Just please let me make it up to you?" He cries, and reaches out for my hand and this time I let him.

I look at him, and I can tell he isn't lying to me. Mike would never lie to me like that again. I know he wouldn't.

"..Fine. I will try and trust you again because I do believe you. But Mike, you seriously hurt me." I whisper and he squeezes my hand.

"I know, Will. You don't understand how much I cried when I thought I was going to loose you, hell I even let max hug me!" He yells and I smile.

"Well, if you let Max hug you, you must've been pretty upset." I joke and he grins.

"Yeah, I was." He wipes away his tears with his sleve and we sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Are you excited to get out of the hospital?" He asks me.

"Yeah, very. I hate hospitals." I sigh.

He frowns and squeezes my hand.

"You'll be out soon, just an hour or so. Why don't you try and sleep?" He suggests and I nod.

"Yeah, I will. Goodnight." I smile softly and he smiles back.

"Goodnight." He whispers and uses his thumb to stroke the back of my hand until I fall asleep.

{Word Count: 884}

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